Leaks that exposed US spy program
Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the CIA,
left the US in late May after leaking to the media details of
extensive internet and phone surveillance by American intelligence.
Snowden, who has been granted temporary asylum in Russia, faces
espionage charges over his actions.
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Role of engineers particularly important:
Collective effort of stakeholders vital for national development
The present era will in many ways be a decisive
one for the future of this country. Having emerged from a three
decades long terrorist conflict less than five years ago, Sri Lanka
today is one of the most peaceful and stable countries in the world.
It is also a country in the midst of a widespread and far-reaching
economic development thrust.
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Does the US practise what it preaches?
The United States brought two successive
Resolutions against Sri Lanka at the United Nations Human Rights
Council (UNHRC), alleging human rights violations during the final
phase of Sri Lanka’s battle against terrorism.
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