Postal Dept, a profit – making Venture soon - Minister Jeevan
By Naalir Jamaldeen
The Postal Department will develop the postal service into a
profitable institution by 2020. Losses will be reduced by introducing
new services and becoming more service-oriented. “ In the past six
months the postal Department operated without taking a single cent from
the Treasury. With the introduction of new services the institution is
turning into a profit- making venture and losses are gradually
decreasing”, Postal Service Minister Jeevan Kumaratunga said in an
interview with the Sunday Observer.
Minister Jeevan Kumaratunga |
Q: Can you elaborate on the Asia-Pacific Postal Union
Executive Meeting which is to be held in Sri Lanka?
A: It is the first biggest event to be held in the history of
the postal service in Sri Lanka. Thirty four countries are members of
the Asia-Pacific Postal Union Executive committee. It Includes Hong Kong
and Macaw.
This is an important juncture in the postal history of Sri Lanka. It
boasts of a postal history of over 217 years. This event will be a
milestone in improving the postal sector of the country.
We hope to take this opportunity to promote Sri Lanka's Postal
service in the Asian-Pacific countries. This meeting is of special
significance and will put Sri Lanka on the map. We will market and
promote Sri Lanka's postal sector at this event.
By promoting the Sri Lanka's postal it will be advantageous and
expedite the postal services with these countries. It is a state
sponsored event. We also hope to increase income levels and reduce
losses made by the Postal Department by building closer ties with these
34 countries.
Q: What the benefit Sri Lanka will gain from this meeting?
A: There are many countries which which have very little links
with Sri Lanka. At one time many people living abroad were of the view
that parcels and other documents sent to Sri Lanka via the postal
service will be lost in the post. They entertained these doubts because
of the problems in the country.
After the restoration of peace in the country, Sri Lanka's standing
in the international arena has increased. Political and economic ties
with foreign countries have increased.
Sri Lanka earns millions of rupees through foreign remittances made
by migrant workers. When they send money to Sri Lanka they approach
private agents like Western Union and other money brokers.
Then the people go to banks and money dealers in the city. Now the
situation has changed with the introduction of a new services in the
Postal Department. Sri Lanka Post is being developed across the country
by modernising post offices. With this change Sri Lanka Post has begun
to build its image across the country and worldwide.
Since Sri Lanka Post is enhancing its image here and abroad it is
being well-received internationally. Sri Lanka Post has the largest
network across the country because of the number of Post offices across
the country. Migrant workers can now send remittances easily through
post offices because of easy access. “With this improvement we hope
people in the villages will utilise the services offered by the Postal
Department, as they will have easy access to the facilities that are
Q: If services such as those offered by private banking
institutions are introduced, the income of the Postal Department would
increase. The people in villages need not to trek to Banks in the city.
Do you have any idea to introduce such services in the Post offices?
A: During the Asia-Pacific Postal Union Executive Meeting this
matter will be discussed. While discussing the services which are
offered by Sri Lanka Post, attention will be paid to introduce new
profitable services. Exchange of money, parcels and letters between
these countries will be discussed. Last year during the Asia-Pacific
regional Annual General meeting Bangladesh, India and Malaysia stated
that they successfully introduced money exchange system in those
countries through post offices. During the proposed to Asia-Pacific
Postal Union Executive Committee Meeting a survey will be conducted in
introducing this service in other countries. According to the proposals
there is a possibility to introduce this service.
There are barriers in introducing this service in the countries such
as Sri Lanka because a large amount of money is required. We have to
invest money to earn money.
When a foreign country agrees to send money to a customer, first we
should pay the customer. It will take some time to receive the money
from the respective country. Such barriers remain for countries such as
Sri Lanka. This system has been proposed to Japan, Korea, Philippine and
Malaysia. It took one year for the Asia-Pacific Postal Union to study
this matter. Such services have already been proposed. Money is the main
problem to certain countries in the Asia region to introduce this
service. This problem will be discussed during the meeting.
Q: In which way will the meeting have an impact in the postal
sector of Sri Lanka?
A: Money exchange, introduction of modern technology in the
state postal sector can be eased. Six postal service providers out of 10
prominent postal service providers will take part in the meeting. The
other four will participate as observers. It will be considered to
improve facilities of modernised post offices across the country.
Foreign experts hope to conduct workshops for Sri Lankan postal sector
officers. Through this we will decide the future activities of the
postal service in Sri Lanka. A lack of modern technology, lack of staff
to handle modern technology also have become a problem and this
obstructs the further development of the postal service in Sri Lanka.
These matters will also be discussed at the meeting.
Q: Who is bearing the expenditure of the Asia-Pacific Postal
Union Executive Committee Meeting?
A: The Post offices in the respective countries will bear the
expenses of those countries while the Sri Lanka Government will
coordinate and arrange hotels on a concessionary basis. As for Sri Lanka
it will be borne by by the Postal Department. The Postal Department has
reserved funds for the conference from its earnings. We hope to get
vehicles for transport from other Government institutions. This
conference is a low budget affair.
Q: Will the meeting strengthen the postal exchange between
these regions?
A: Through this meeting Sri Lanka will receive publicity at
international level. There are some countries that are not aware of Sri
Lanka and will now be known.
Postal Department heads and Ministers are expected to participate.
Post Master Generals will also participate. Ninety participants have
agreed to go on field visits. Those on field visits will study Sri
Lanka's postal network. |