Fresh boost for informal economic sector
The informal and semi-formal economic sector
received a fresh boost through policies which encourage
manufacturers and suppliers, the Finance and Planning Ministry
Annual Report of 2013 released recently said. The report highlighted
the role and importance of supporting the informal sector which
makes a salient contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
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SLT to share ICT infrastructure
A strong, reliable and islandwide ICT broadband
infrastructure and global connectivity are key to the efficient
functioning and development of the telecommunication industry,
businesses and the economy.
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AFD to co-finance water projects
Manila, Philippines : A $400 million Asian
Development Bank (ADB) project to improve water and waste-water
management services in greater Colombo will be expanded through
co-financing of $101 million from Agence Francaise de Developpement
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Korea to enhance trade and investments with Lanka
Korea looks forward to strengthening trade,
economic and investment relationship with Sri Lanka and setting up a
Joint Working Group, Korean Ambassador Won-sam Chang told Industry
and Commerce Minister Rishad Bathiudeen when he paid a courtesy call
at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Colombo 3 recently.
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India's new government to introduce economic reforms
India's new government has unveiled a program
for rapid economic reforms to create jobs and boost foreign
investment. The announcement by President Pranab Mukherjee included
plans to simplify taxation and reduce inflation.
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