In Brief
Mahila Samithi exhibition, sale
The Lanka Mahila Samithi will hold its annual exhibition and sale of
handicrafts at the Lionel Wendt Gallery, Guildford Crescent, Colombo 7
on Tuesday, December 2 from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Christmas choral recitals at St.Joseph's College
The Christmas choral recital of St.Joseph's College choirs and
mellifluous sounds of the tender voices of the primary choir and the
teachers' choral ensemble will be held on December 6 from 6 p.m. to 8
p.m. at St.Joseph's College Colomb 10.
The eighty-strong Josephian senior choir will commence the service
with the Latin chant "Jesu Redmptor Omnium".
The Choir comprises the mellow boy soprano and alto voices
complemented by the rich bass/baritone and tenor voices of the mature
student singers. They will render a wide genre of hymns, anthems and
chants in Latin, English, Sinhala and Tamil.
The event will be presided over by Secretary of the Apostolic
Nunciature Very Rev. Fr. Renato Kucis who will give a Christmas message.
It is open to the public.
SCK X' mas Carols 2014 Gee Padura
The X'Mas carols and the Gee Padura organised by the SCK Group will
be held on Friday December 5 commencing at 7 p.m. at the Sri Lanka
Foundation Institute.
The group "Sanyuga" will be in attendance.
Krishnamurti talk
A recorded public talk on 'What is disorder in one's life and what is
death? delivered by the late Indian sage J. Krishnamurti will be
replayed at the Anula Nursery School Hall, High Level Road, Colombo 6
today at 9.45 a.m.
It is organised by the Krishnamurti Centre, Sri Lanka Inc.
AGM of SLASSPA today
The 10th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Security Service
Providers Association (SLASSPA) will be held at the Hilton Hotel,
Colombo today at 5.00 pm.
Secretary, Ministry of Defence Col. Gotabaya Rajapaksa will be the
chief guest while Competent Authority, Civil Security Mrs. Damayanthi
Jayaratne will be the guest of honour.
ASG appointed President's Counsel

Sanjay Rajaratnam PC.
Additional Solicitor General, Sanjay Rajaratnam, a distinguished old
boy of St.Peter's College, Colombo and Royal College, Colombo appointed
President's Counsel by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, took his oaths
before the Supreme Court recently.
ASG Rajaratnam who is the son of late Senior Advocate Siva Rajaratnam
holds a Master of Law degree from the Queen Mary University of London.
He is also a Solicitor of England and Wales.Rajaratnam joined the
Attorney General's Department in April 1988 as a State Counsel was later
promoted as a Senior State Counsel and Deputy Solicitor General.