Are you a Type-A personality?
Hostility - Type A individuals tend to be easily
aroused to anger or hostility, which they may or may not express
overtly. Such individuals tend to see the worse in others,
displaying anger, envy and a lack of compassion. When this behaviour
is expressed overtly (ie, physical behaviour) it generally involves
aggression and possible bullying.
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Does God really exist?
As a matter of faith, Christians believe that
God exists. When you have faith in something or someone the question
does not arise whether something or someone exists. In the Middle
Ages some Christian thinkers went a step further to show that God’s
existence could be proved by rational argument.
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Thorns on the Side
Future health
What will the hospitals of the future look like?
Or will there be a need for hospitals at all, with the advances now
being made in remote healthcare systems? We already have aces to
many apps on our smartphones that can monitor vital statistics 24/7
should the need arise and smartwatches have made it even easier.
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