In search of a new UN Secretary General
By Palitha Kohona
With Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s term of office tapering off by
the end of 2016, there is increasing chatter in the corridors of the
United Nations on his successor.
The interest in the top post at the UN has been heightened because of
the issues that have emerged.
The UN headquarters
building in New York |
Among them are, the importance of respecting the principal of
regional rotation, the need to have a woman occupy the top job at the UN
after 70 years of its existence and the importance of more transparency
in an organisation that devotes much energy to promote democracy in the
These are prominent among some of the conversation starters in the UN
cocktail circuit, all against the background clamour to reform the
The Charter itself says little on the appointment process. Article 97
stipulates that the General Assembly (GA) will appoint a
Secretary-General (SG) on the recommendation of the Security Council.
As with much else at the UN, the practice with regard to the
appointment of the SG also has evolved in response to contemporary
pressures. Resolutions 11/1 of 1946 and 54/246 of 1997 are important in
this matter.
The Security Council will, in the first instance, seek consensus
before recommending a candidate to the GA, although nine votes in favour
of a candidate in the Council would suffice.
If consensus is not feasible, the Council will vote on the candidates
available. The practice of conducting straw polls among members of the
SC has become popular in recent times.
While early aspirants to the post did not campaign under spurious
pretexts, the need to approach a wide range of countries to seek their
blessings is increasingly recognised.
To the disappointment of many members of the world body, the
recommendation is adopted at a private meeting in accordance with Rule
48 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure.
Palitha Kohona |
The Permanent Five of the SC (P5) – Britain, the US, France, Russia
and China — exercises inordinate power over the selection process.
Today, the endorsement of the P5 is essential and thereby the veto
acquires a particular significance in the SC recommendation.
In 1996, the significance of P5 endorsement was clearly highlighted.
As the Council began its consideration of potential candidates, Boutros
Boutros Ghali, the incumbent SG, received 14 endorsements in a straw
poll, except the US.
Boutros Ghali had offended the US with comments on the situation in
the Middle East.
A week later, a former senior UN official, Kofi Annan, a surprise
candidate from the Secretariat, received the necessary endorsement of
the SC with the backing of the P5.
Similarly, former Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim’s efforts to secure
a third term in 1981 were vetoed by the Chinese.
Today, it is almost mandatory for the aspirants to the post of SG to
undertake visits to the capitals of the P5 to seek their blessings and
not say or do anything that would cause them alarm.
This was not always the case. When, in 1951,Trygve Lie of Norway was
vetoed by the Soviet Union, as he sought his second term, the US had him
appointed through a clear majority of votes in the GA. Given the
difficulties that Trygve Lie faced later, especially in dealing with a
hostile Soviet Union, it would be unlikely that such an approach would
be adopted today.
One candidate
Although there are suggestions that the SC should recommend more than
one candidate, for the sake of transparency and to facilitate democratic
choice, the GA decided in Resolution 11 of 1946 that it would be
desirable for the Council to proffer only one candidate.
Whether this sentiment continues to be shared by many in the GA today
with its much wider membership is unclear.
While a divisive vote in the GA is always possible, in recent times,
the GA has tended to rubber stamp the recommendations of the SC.
While early aspirants to the post did not campaign under spurious
pretexts, the need to approach a wide range of countries to seek their
blessings is increasingly recognised. Visits to capitals could generate
a groundswell of sympathy for a candidate which could influence members
of the SC.
The present incumbent, a former Foreign Minister of South Korea,
advancing his candidature the first time round, used his position as his
country’s representative in the SC to visit as many capitals as
The second time round, he was advised to seek the endorsement of the
regional groups as he was mulling presenting his candidature, in
particular, the Asia Pacific Group, his own regional group.
This was against the background of some whispered reservations about
his performance in the first term, especially by certain countries of
the Western Europe and Other Groups (WEOG).
They were mostly concerned about his perceived lack of fluency in the
working languages of the organisation and the absence of firmness in
dealing with difficult issues.
Yet, the Asia Pacific Group endorsed him unequivocally, setting in
motion a tide of endorsements from the other regional groups. He
announced his candidature immediately following his meeting with the
Asia Pacific Group.
The WEOGs provided the first two SGs. An assertive developing world
demanded the next. U Thant of Burma (now Myanmar) was appointed, despite
initial opposition from France.
The Eastern European Group has asserted a claim to the post after Ban
because the group has never had this position before and because there
are many suitable candidates from the region.
Resolution 51/241 supports their position. Among the possible Eastern
European aspirants are the former UN Under-Secretary-General and the
former President of Slovenia, Danilo Turk, the Executive Director of
UNESCO, Irena Bukova of Bulgaria, EC Commissioner, Kristalina Georgieva
of Bulgaria, the Lithuanian President, Dalia Grybauskaite, the vice
Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Monte Negro, Igor Luksic, and the
popular Permanent Representative of Romania, Simona Miculescu.
The WEOGs have occupied the post three times – the Asia Pacific
twice, Africa twice and Latin America and the Caribbean once. Candidates
from the P5s are not considered for the post. Should Eastern Europe come
up with a suitable candidate, they are likely to get the post this time.
Given the perceived lack of clarity with regard to the Eastern European
candidature, others have begun to test the water.
Among them are, the former Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd,
the Administrator of the UNDP and former Prime Minister of New Zealand,
Helen Clerk, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and former Prime
Minister of Portugal, Antonio Guterres and former Executive Director of
UN Women and current president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet. It is
noteworthy that the Non-Aligned Movement, the largest single political
grouping of developing nations, has strongly backed the appointment of a
woman to succeed Ban.
The general feeling among Member States is that the time for a woman
SG has arrived. There does not seem to be a shortage of exceptionally
qualified women in the field.
Dr. Palitha Kohona is
the former Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations
and one-time Chief of the UN Treaty Section. |