Creative conflicts
The razzle, the dazzle and the swanky… twins
Rangika and Rangana Jeewantha who have added new nuances to the term
fusion will add another layer when Natmo 2015 lights up the Lionel
Wendt Theater, Colombo, at 7.00 p.m. on April 4th and 5th.
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Short story:
Girl among the Dahlia's
It was a warm and sultry evening. I looked out
of the fifth storey apartment of Ursulinen Hof in Gentzgasse. Not a
leaf stirred in the elm and chestnut trees below. “I'll go for a
walk for a while’ I announced to my son who was at his computer.
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Mystery of the dress of Lanka's last queen
It needs no connoisseur in female attire to
conclude that the dress worn by the last queen of Lanka ( one of the
four queens of the last king ) is more flavoured with a chic Western
style than with a homely Oriental touch.
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