Heritage 24/7
Heritage TV expands into a 24-hour channel with a
global reach:
By Sureshni Pilapitiya
Giving priority to Sri Lankan Culture and Arts was Hemanalin
Karunarathne’s greatest ambition in his career. As a veteran TV
presenter and programmer, he travelled to many places, met different
people and learnt about their beliefs, rituals and cultures. He wanted
to show all that he learnt through his own mode of expression. He
launched Heritage TV, (HTV) six years ago with the clear intention of
taking Sri Lanka’s culture and heritage to the world , and making people
aware of interesting and little known information about the country.
Established in 2009 as a Sinhala language private TV channel,
Heritage TV was recently transformed into a 24-hour TV channel with a
global reach, giving the opportunity to the public to watch programmes
at any time they chose.
Here Karunarathne talks about transforming Heritage TV into a 24-hour
Excerpts :
Q: What was the purpose behind making Heritage TV a 24-hour TV
channel ?
A : Earlier we telecast only for six hours. Not that it is a
24-hour channel, everyone can see how special the channel is. We started
the 24-hour channel on March q. There was an all night pirith ceremony
to mark the occasion. We show pirith ceremonies, Thovils and other
traditional rituals throughout the night. We show rituals such as
Kohomba Kankariya and various shanthikarmas. We record the entire event
and show it on TV. The only difference is, it is not a live telecast.
Q : How have the viewers responded to the 24-hour Heritage
A : My first call was from Sri Pura, Padhaviya. It was from
two University students. They were very impressed. That encouraged us
even more and we get two or three calls every half an hour.
Professionals such as Doctors and Engineers call as well. We have
divided the programmes into 4 parts - Natural, Folk, Cultural and World
heritage. This is a channel where we dub all the Sinhala programmes into
English . We do not have reality programmes which hand out money. I
honestly think I have done something nobody cared to think about. I also
am happy with the responses I get.
Q : Is this a channel which is based only on showing viewers
our culture and heritage or is there more?
A : Well, Heritage does not represent only history. There is
so much for that. That is why I have divided this in to four categories.
This is designed according to the school syllabus. Meaning, we show
programmes which are relevant to children’s studies.
When we talk about cultural heritage, we talk about dance forms. When
we talk about World Heritage, we should know about cultures of the
world. As we know, every religion came from the outside world. Buddhism
also came from India. Therefore we should know why that person came and
for what purpose. How many Sri Lankans are there who have taken our
pride across the world? There are businessmen, scientists and so on. If
we make use of their knowledge to include in our programmes, it will be
very valuable. I am not against reality shows. But it is not very
advisable to select a few individuals. There are a lot of talented
people all over the country. There are so many things that we can teach
our children.
Q : How much do you depend on commercials as a sources of
A: It is not totally based on commercials. We are trying to
bring new concepts and ideas. But there should be a way of funding as
well. I do not agree with the notion that a channel should solely depend
on commercials. Now if a news bulletin is going on, if they show a lot
of commercials it is not correct. If there is some story about a person
committing suicide on TV and if they show a milk powder commercial while
it is going on, it is not ethical. I firmly believe in that.
Q : What do you think about the present day Sri Lankan society
? Do you think it is too westernized?
A : This is an Internet age. There are so many things we can
do with technology today. We cannot put it in that way. But we need to
identify the good and bad. Earlier we used to wear long dresses. But
with the change of time, various styles appeared from bell bottoms,
miniskirts to jeans. Within the change of time we got exposed to many
things in the world very quickly.
I don’t think it is a bad thing. The change of technology and other
procedures have made things easy.
The only facility I have is that I have 15 people to help me. But
even at the moment our first 15 programmes are going to be dubbed into
I have seen a lot of young Tamil people who like to express their
talents, thoughts and views. All the programmes will be dubbed to
English and Tamil. One of the greatest moments I cherish is the time
when I did ‘Lassana udasana’ on Rupavahini. There were a lot of experts
such as Kamalini and Noeline Honter. I learnt a lot from these people.
Q : What was it like when the channel started ?
A : The idea of starting the TV channel developed when I left
Swarnavahini. As a start the air time was given for one hour to check
how it will proceed. There was an opportunity of having a 24-hour air
time but it was postponed since we did not have enough facilities.
Gradually 24 hours became one hour and finally 6 hours became 24 hours.
Q : Have you given up presenting programmes ?
A : Oh no. If I have the need I do it. Earlier I did 9.05.(
Nine to five ) But who watches it now ? Even I don’t feel like watching.
It is only history now. Such programmes will be carried by young people
who have some interest in programme presenting. I also have not given up
my interest for musical programmes.
Q : What do you think of the TV channels these days ? Do you
think they do justice to their viewers in providing entertainment?
A : All right, let’s take news now. What do they do? Only
including bits and pieces from here and there and making it a jumble.
There is no attractiveness in that. There are no ethics, no rules,
therefore our programmes have changed completely. Media means the main
force of a country. The state media is still able to keep it’s position.
Their news broadcasts are not corrupted yet in the form of presetting.
But they should have the ability to compete attractively. Our channel
can be only shown on Dialogue TV. But If we get the chance of showing it
island wide, we are sure that it will have good results. If we do
something good then we are bound to get a good response.
Q : What is the technology you use on this channel ?
A : We use full HD technology. We use that technology for
recordings. We hope to develop our technological facilities. Even if you
talk over a telephone, the message should be clear. It is only the
message conveyed is important. The most advanced technology at the
moment is 2k and 4k Technology.
Q : What are your aspirations for the development of the
Heritage channel ?
A : My greatest aspiration is to maintain the TV channel for
24 hours. This channel has the structure of the Discovery channel. There
is no use in putting seven to eight commercials and doing programmes.
Channels like Discovery are mostly based on foundations. I hope such a
time will come soon. My channel is 80% relevant for education.
Q : Any further comments ?
A : We have opportunities to be used. In any channel,
presentation consists only 1%.
We would like to know the responses of the public. They are very
valuable. I would further like to say if you want to do programme
presenting, go to a correct place and learn.
There are distinguished places such as the Television Training
Institute and the National Film Corporation.
You should know the course you are doing. You should know about your
subject area for you to be an expert in that field. |