Non-prosecution of mega fraudsters:
Govt draws heavy flak
By Lalin Fernandopulle
The Government has drawn heavy flak for undermining good governance
by aiding and abetting mega scale fraudsters and not expediting the
prosecution of culprits who continue to roam freely and even accuse the
current Government of being corrupt.
The Anti Corruption Committee Secretariat (ACCS) has received a large
number of complaints related to massive financial frauds and after
preliminary studies, the files are handed over to the Fraud and
Corruption Investigation Division (FCID) of the police for
investigations, an official said. Investigations have already been
launched in several cases he said, but declined to reveal details of the
The Kerawalapitiya thermal power plant, the purchase of MIF-27
aircraft for the Air Force and the oil-hedging deal of the Ceylon
Petroleum Corporation (CPC) are some of the mega financial crimes that
have been reported.
The financial loss to the Government in these three mega frauds
accounts for over $ 515 million.
These are not new cases and all of these suspicious deals have been
revealed and extensively discussed in the media but no proper
investigations have been carried out.
There are several complaints regarding frauds which took place under
the Ministry of Economic Development of the former Government. One
complaint to be investigated is the corruption that took place during
the setting up of the Divinneguma Department.
The department was set up amalgamating the Samurdhi Authority,
Southern Development Authority and the Udarata Development Authority.
The complaint alleges that a massive fraud took place in the payment of
compensation and gratuity the employees whose services were terminated
or voluntarily retired during the conversion to the Divineguma
The value of the alleged fraud is estimated at Rs. 596 million. The
ACCS calls for public support, especially from officials in these
government organisations to get further information regarding
large-scale financial crimes, he said.
It has come to light that besides the Rajapaksa regime which
allegedly amassed wealth in overseas banks, a few of those who were
close to the regime had made undue gains through mismanagement and
malpractices under the protective shield of the regime.
The present Government has constantly denied accusations that it is
has made secret deals with crooks and is shielding them. The biggest
accusation today is that the unity government has been formed with some
of those in the SLFP camp who were branded as ‘rogues'.
The official said that corrupt people at top positions in government
organisations are obstructing investigations and prosecution of culprits
and it is the main reason for the slow progress in the process.
People are unhappy over the delay in taking action against corrupt
politicians and officials. In most of the institutions the investigators
have to call for vital information from the same corrupt officials.
There is also a possibility of important evidence being deliberately
"In some cases though the investigations have been completed,
prosecution is delayed and we have a doubt as to whether officials at
the Attorney General Department and some police officers continue to
protect the people of the former corrupt regime," he said.
When contacted, the Ministry of Policy Planning, Economic Affairs,
Child, Youth and Cultural Affairs Deputy Minister Dr. Harsha de Silva
said that the government is going after the crooks and added that he was
certain that fraudsters will be prosecuted in the coming weeks.
"We have purposely left out the rogues and I agree that there are
questionable issues.
The group that joined the government is relatively clean. Except for
a couple of them there are no major allegations and this will not have
any impact on the economy," he said.
The Bribery Commission will not take into consideration which side
the crooks belong to. After April 23, the Commission will be free to
deal with them.
“With regard to Port City, facts must be established which the
government is doing today to verify the claims that it was launched
without proper transparency and brushing aside the impact on the
environment. The environment cannot be ignored.
The matter has been taken to courts. We need to wait till the study
is over,” Dr. de Silva said. Several attempts to contact Power and
Energy Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka for his views on prosecuting
perpetrators failed.