Building your personal brand. Element No. 6:
Sustaining your brand:
Right performance, the way to build personal brand
[Continued from last week]
Over the past six weeks we talked about the principles of personal
branding and under which the first five elements, Product 'You',
Packaging, Communication, Positioning and Performance were discussed.
Today it’s about Sustaining your brand.
It takes years to build a successful personal brand, but only an
instant to destroy it. All the famous personal brands have risen to
their current status after a lot of painstaking effort. Failure is
common for people but have we ever wondered how some famous personal
brands falter? Don’t you have local examples? You do, right?
Performance, the right way is the only way to build a sustainable
personal brand. Trying short-term tactics and resorting to unethical
practices may make you famous for good or bad reasons but will not make
you popular or respected.
Compliance and conformance with the rules of the game is the bare
minimum if one is serious about building a sustainable brand.
Maintain the brand promise
Delivery of brand promise is critical to gain loyalty and respect.
And if that promise breaks, you don’t have a brand. Over marketing or
communication causes the brand to become too common and thereby the
brand might lose value because of brand fatigue.
Too much exposure, especially irrelevant exposure or association
makes the brand become undesirable. Actions are stronger than words, and
this is personified by the respected personal brand. Respected brands
are those which consistently prove through their work ethic that they
are reliable and trustworthy on the inside and out.
Personal brands need to earn respect through differentiated and
improved performance. If and when Brands fail to perform, as in any
product, your customers will reject you. Continuous self-improvement for
improved product quality is a must for progressive results to stay ahead
of your competition.
When people start believing in a particular brand, they have certain
expectations and satisfaction levels attached to it as well. If the
brand fails to meet these intrinsic expectations and fall short of what
the customers believe of them, they are bound to fail.
Those who were too slow to adapt to the changing environment lost the
race in the long run. To stay ahead of competition, regular alignment of
your value mix to be distinctive and sustainable is a must.
To sustain your brand equity, maintain your share of voice with
frequent engagements.You go out of sight – you will be out of sight.
Maintaining visibility hence is so critical via your regular
appearance. It’s no different to product and service brands you buy day
in day out.
Learn to be authentically and politically correct. You should always
do the right thing and know when to have trade-offs so you could have
greater influence and better opportunities later. Exercise good judgment
at all times, give support to your associates and maintain harmony,
particularly if egos come into play.
Remember that your customer’s perception of how good a brand you are
is of utmost importance – mind you in brand management it’s not what you
think you are but what others think you are.
Continuous product development, communication of your value
contributions, re-positioning versus changing competition, improved
performance in the right way help sustain your brand image.
You have heard the premise that ‘staying on top is more difficult
than reaching the top’. Personal branding is no different.
Overall there are many reasons of why brands fail. However, it comes
down to the fact that you cannot blame a product failure to branding
efforts. The product needs to have an inherent value for the branding to
We are living in a world where water is sold with a name, clothes are
being marketed with signature signs and basic food items are being
promoted with trademarks.
The concept of personal branding has completely shaped the way people
respond to people. Be a brand and be admired for more a fulfilling life
– it's value for your customers and satisfaction for you. |