Business needs professionals
by Amila Muthukutti
Every business organisation needs professionals to plan and implement
business strategies and finally achieve business success. Due to the
increasing competition in the business world, professionals have a major
role to play in organisations.
There is a difference between the way a professional and
non-professional look at a given situation, ad
This difference can make the business unique and exceptional. Hence,
employees should not be just labourers, workers or merely employees.
They should be professionals. As some middle level managers suffer
from the lack of professionalism, it is up to the CEOs and senior
managers to empower employees with professionalism.
For some, being professional might mean dressing smartly at work,
doing a good job and having lots of advanced degrees such as MBA.
Professionalism encompasses all of these things. But, it also covers
much more. Professionalism can be defined as the conduct, aims or
qualities that characterise or mark a profession or a professional
It needs to be discussed what the attributes of professionalism are
and how to be a good professional, because the whole business lies in
the hands of professionals.
Specialised knowledge
Professionals should be experts in an area of knowledge and always
committed to improve and sharpen their skills. A person is called a
professional, once he can perform a job more efficiently and better than
Every professional has specialised knowledge in their fields.
Training programs can be conducted, so that all the employees can become
professionals. Senior managers should also be responsible for empowering
employees with knowledge and skills.
Because every professional in the organisation has to deal with
customers directly or indirectly, they should know how to do their jobs
professionally through specialised knowledge.
Professionals should execute their duty well, especially through the
specialised knowledge that they have gained. They not only do their job
but also get the job done by their subordinates. They are reliable, as
they fulfill their promises.
Since today's business environment is highly volatile and
competitive, it is up to professionals to strategically face challenging
situations. This is why, they do not make excuses, but find solutions.
Professionals represent their organisation inside and outside the
business. Hence, they can be trusted by colleagues and shareholders in
the organisation and customers and other business partners outside the
Honesty and integrity are important qualities for professionals to
have for self-improvement and business development. As most
professionals are bound by a code of ethics set by professional
institutes, they have to comply with professional ethics in executing
their duties.
If a job falls outside their field of expertise, they do not hesitate
to take the challenge.
They ask for help, whenever necessary, because they are willing to
learn from others.
Professionals always perform their job properly, implementing unique
business strategies to make the business profitable on behalf of
As they are by nature representatives of the shareholders,
professionals have to be accountable for what they do.
They cannot exceed ethics and avoid accountability under any
circumstances. Business accountability is a critical factor in building
shareholders' confidence which spontaneously results in business growth.
Professionals are self-regulated people. Even though they have to
work under various circumstances, stress, disappointment so and so
forth, they are responsible for maintaining professional behaviour.
What is more important to be noted here is that customer get an image
of the organisation through the way professionals behave and respond to
customer needs.
Hence, professionals need to be self-regulated and show
professionalism. For instance, imagine a receptionist who has to deal
with an irate customer putting the blame on the organisation, what she
has to do is to be self-regulated and respond professionally.
They try to provide customers professional solutions and don't let
personal life impact on the way in which they interact with colleagues
and customers.
Although it is true that people should not judge a book by its cover,
they can get an idea of the book at first glance and decide whether to
buy it or not. The same can also be applied to the business world as
well. That is why, we are used to the saying 'first impression counts'.
One of the most important things expected from professionals is to
present a good image to customers about the organisation. The image that
a professional builds in the mind of a customer communicates the values,
ethics and finally professionalism that the business organisation holds.
Hence, they have to be smartly dressed, to convey a good image about
the organisation and themselves.
Once employees are empowered with these characteristics, they become
an asset to their organisations. Today, one of the problems from which
SMEs suffer is the lack of professionalism.
Therefore, business leaders have to find out ways through which the
performance of employees can be improved. True professionals are the
first to be considered for promotions, because business needs more
The writer holds a BA in Economics from the University of Colombo