Integrated water management and sustainable urbanisation
World Water Day 2015
was celebrated on March 22 on the theme 'Water and Sustainable
Development'. This article highlights the importance of integrated urban
water management in meeting the demand for water in a fast urbanising
Sri Lanka.
By Chatura Rodrigo and Athula Senaratne
Sri Lanka is fast becoming urbanised with low density urban sprawl
and ribbon development along the main roads of the country's coastal
areas. From 2005 to 2010, the country had an average urban population
growth rate of 0.3 per cent, which was among the lowest in Asia.
However, this has gradually started to change with rural to urban
migration, with the end of the conflict in the county's North and the
East. An increasing trend in urbanisation can be observed in many areas
and statistics do not capture this correctly.
The projected increase in urbanisation will create challenges, and
ensuring the country's sustainable development will rest upon how
effectively these challenges are addressed.
Meeting the demand for water of a growing urban population is one of
the major challenges for policy planners of urban development. The
country's vision on urbanisation involves development of many physical
infrastructures such as buildings, roads, railways and industries, which
will attract many people to urban areas.
In this context, it is imperative to look at Sri Lanka's vision on
urbanisation and potential drawbacks connected to the increased demand
for water.
Under the National Physical Plan of Sri Lanka (2011-2030), Sri Lanka
focuses on five metro regions - Colombo, North-Central, Southern,
Eastern and Northern - and nine metro cities - Ampara, Anuradhapura,
Batticaloa, Colombo, Dambulla, Hambantota, Jaffna, Polonnaruwa and
Current state of affairs
These regions are to be connected and integrated into a countrywide
system of urban areas. While the use of freshwater in agriculture has
decreased, its use in domestic and industry has increased. Currently,
87.37% of freshwater is used for agriculture while 6.22% and 6.42% for
domestic and industry usage.
The increase in domestic and industrial water use is prominent in the
urban sector compared to rural and estate sectors. Achieving the demand
created by urban settlements is reflected in the statistics on access to
safe drinking water. Compared to the rural and estate sectors, access to
safe drinking water of households is high in the urban sector.
The coverage figures have increased from 96.8% in 2009 to 98.7% by
2012. Among the safe drinking water sources, pipe-borne water is the
safest. Approximately 75% and 14% of urban and rural population are
served by pipe borne water.
Domestic demand for billed water is around 66% of total demand.
Industries demand 9% of the water sold. Sri Lanka has been successful in
providing exclusive sanitation facilities to a higher share of the urban
households when compared to the households in the rural and estate
sectors. The urban sector will require more pipe borne water as
population density increases and industries expand.
Demand for safe water has been increasing by 8-10% each year. Most
urban water supply schemes do not provide a 24-hourservice. The urban
sector faces a number of challenges. While urban water supply is mainly
dependent on surface water, the degree of dependency on ground water
appears to be rising.
Storage reservoirs have limited capacity, and no expansions have been
done in the recent past.
In addition, in the dry season, salt water intrusion occurs. Being an
island, urban flood management is vital for Sri Lanka. To account for
flood issues, hydrological assessments are needed. However, these
assessments are done with models with limited verifications.
Monitoring of the quality of water bodies that supply pipe-borne
water is poor. From time to time cases of water pollution are reported
and activities by people and industries create negative environmental
externalities, which costs private and public resources.
In managing urban water, agencies have different areas of
jurisdiction which often overlaps. In the Colombo metro region, most of
the water and sanitation infrastructure dates back to the colonial era
and a majority of the pipes that carry water and sewage are old and
malfunction from time to time, sometimes resulting in leaks. A proper
financial mechanism is needed to fund the expansion and the repair of
water supply infrastructure in urban areas.
Managing urban water demand calls for innovative action. In this
regard the Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) is considered an
innovative and optimistic way of managing water demand linked to
IUWM calls for the alignment of urban development and basin
management to achieve sustainable economic, social, and environmental
Planning for the water sector has to be integrated with other
sectors, such as land use, housing, energy, and transportation.
Chatura Rodrigo is a Research Economist at the Institute of Policy
Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS) and Athula Senaratne is a Research Fellow and
the Head of the IPS Environmental Economic Policy Unit. |