Four songs cure a King
Philip V of Spain was a shy retiring King, who suffered from fits of
depression.He neglected affairs of the state and took no interest in any
of the court activities.

The Queen, an intelligent woman, had tried many ways of curing his
melancholy which was ruining both their lives, but she was not
Then in 1737 Farinelli, the great singer, arrived in Spain. It was
intended to be a flying visit, giving a series of concerts throughout
the country.
The Queen arranged a concert in the room next to that which the King
occupied and invited Farinelli to perform there.Farinelli sang four of
his sweetest songs. Philip was jolted out of his misery. He sent for the
singer and told him to name his fee.
Farinelli who had been told what to answer, said the best reward
would be to see the King return to the society of his court. Philip
thought a while and consented.
He allowed himself to be shaved for the first time in many weeks and
told everyone, "The singer cured me."
He began to take an interest in music, in world affairs and in life!
He granted Farinelli a pension of 50,000 francs a year - on condition
that he never again sang in public, and that he sang the same four songs
every night to the King who could not sleep until he had heard them.
Farinelli sang these songs every night for ten years. |