Standards vital to boost product quality -SLSI
by Lalin Fernandopulle
In the backdrop of a do or die situation many producers and service
roviders are more concerned today on raising the bar on quality and
benchmarking their products. However, this trend is not at a
satisfactory level according to quality certifiers.
Sri Lanka Standards Institute (SLSI) Director General Dr. Lalth
Seneweera said that there is a growing concern among manufacturers and
service providers to use standards which not only helps improve the
product or service quality but also internal efficiency and
effectiveness of institutions. However, he noted that there is space for
improvement in areas such as onfectionery, fruits and vegetables,
service sectors, electrical appliances (rice cookers) , ceramic ware,
sanitary ware and gricultural products (pesticides) .
These areas can be brought under standardization programs. The SLSI
is in the process of developing standards for certain products and
services which needs quailty improvement. It is vital to further improve
theese products with stakeholder programs to create awarness on
regulatory and policy matters, Dr. Senaweera said.
Despite all efforts to spur quality there is almost no day that
passes ithout someone being affected by food poisoning or being hoaxed
into purchasing substandard products which could be life threatening and
a urden on the purse.
In a highly competitive market maintainig standards is critical to
ensure consumer satisfaction. If standards are breached it will lead to
building a sick nation.
The medical bill of a family is an indicator of this fact since sub
standard products are injurious to health and safety of people and the
environment which creates a vicious cycle, Dr. Seneweera said. A quality
certification is a third party assurance to consumers to buy a product
with confidence from the competitive markets.