cat’S eye
The excellent
and the scum!
She is also plagued by an image of a politician from Kotte letting
himself fall from a gate post – too stupidly high to climb and too
dangerous to fall from.
Good and bad were the words and ideas associated with the two people
who were in her mind. A quotation culled from Internet noted: “It is
absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or
tedious” which pronunciation is credited to Thomas Carlyle.
Analysing that definition, Menika agrees, and disagrees. Yes, people
can be categorised into two huge groups on whether they catch your
interest (charming) or bore you to death. But there are other emotions
aroused by people so they can be divided as good and bad. If they make
you afraid, ashamed, alarmed, suspicious, they are bad. If they evoke
praise and admiration, do good for others and are humane, then they
certainly are good.
Pride of Sri Lanka
A recent event that was not read about or seen on TV (at least by
Menika) was the selection of a Sri Lankan to receive an award for Asian
Excellence, that means topping all Asians in a particular field. Kumar
Sangakkara won the award for Outstanding Achievement in Sports at the
fifth annual Asian Awards on April 17 at the Grosvenor House, London.
How did quiet Menika get to know this? She received a YouTube
presentation of the particular award where Sangakkara was named ‘a
living legend’ with many achievements mentioned such as the four
centuries obtained by him inconsecutive test matches at the latest World
Cup series.
In receiving the award, experienced and expert speaker that he is,
Kumar Sangakkara deserved a second award for excellence in public
speaking; he spoke eloquently with a script hardly glanced at. He said
he took to cricket by accident at the advanced age of 16. He mentioned
with a wide smile that it was surreal him getting this award when he is
ready to fade into oblivion. He expressed gratitude to all those who had
initially got him involved in cricket and then helped him along, with
special thanks to his family.
The Asian Awards was founded by Paul Sagoo, an Indian businessmen who
rose from humble beginnings, his parents having migrated to Britain
before he was born. Graduating from King’s College, London, he entered
the world of information technology and moved to wealth, prestige and
His outfit Asian Awards has this year opted to work alongside the
British Asian Trust which is one of the charities of the Prince of
Wales. The Asian Award is an event to honour only the very highest
levels of achievement from within the worldwide Asian community.
Hence the honour bestowed on Kumar and through him on this little
land is noteworthy. Kumar has, singlehandedly placed our country on the
world map more than once. We are grateful to this young man who
epitomises good and great, especially at this moment in the Island’s
history when rot prevails and hogs the news.
The bad
Menika would rather use the stronger word ‘horrid’ accompanied by
such as ‘disgraceful’, ‘stupid’, ‘bovine’ even. Evil too. She refers
here to some Appuhamy, Leader of the Opposition of the Kotte Municipal
Council who climbed a gate post in protest against the Mayor and let
himself fall off the post.
Those below him, including the Mayor, tried to safety net the fall
with their outstretched arms, but he slid through. This Humpty did not
disintegrate to pieces but got a bad neck, after being a pain in the
neck to all Sri Lankans.
Haven’t these ill-educated, violent, disgraceful beings no sense at
all? They can hardly be counted as human beings, the way they behave.
Voting time soon?
Elections are very much in the air. Some want general parliamentary
elections held soon. Thus the JVP distributing pamphlets in the Fort
Station on Wednesday, May 13 with Anura K. Dissanayake shooting sharp
barbs at Ranil Wickremasinghe who he says in so many words is not
lawfully the Prime Minister of the country.
For this cat he, RW, certainly is, and doing a good job too, barring
the Guv of the Central Bank fracas. Nimal Siripala de Silva, newly
elevated as Leader of the Opposition ponderously pontificates that
elections should be held after the passage of the 20th Amendment.
Menika is all tied up in knots about the ins and outs, pluses and
minuses of preferential voting. She knows what ‘first past the post’
connotes though with the meaning is presented a mind picture of a horse
cantering past the winning post with the rider attached to the dashing
horse only by the stirrups and reins, the rider suspended way above the
horse. A second picture comes to mind – women in Nuwara Eliya doing an
Epsom Derby and not succeeding too well. Most look self conscious in
their milliner creations of froth and flowers perched on their carefully
coiffured heads.
Which reminds Menika of a woman who really took the Epsom Derby by
storm through her elegance. Some of you readers may remember the
‘housekeeper’ of John Kotelawela’s demesne in Kent. She was a dashing
Smith who dressed up for the British races that the Royal Family attends
and makes a big thing of, and outshone many a fashion figure of British
Also reminds Menika of the one and only Yvonne Gulamhussein who would
sweep into the Colombo racecourse in high fashion. Those were the days,
my friend! One season she was prominent by her absence. She kept away
being in deep mourning for her poodle. Even shaved her eyebrows which
was a funeral rite of the closest and dearest of the dear departed in a
Parisian milieu.
This act of deep mourning was for her precious dog of French
pedigree! Those were harmless bits of fun and frolic. It is so different
now, when fun is thieving, cheating, raping, murder even and public
notice is snatched not by dressing and parading but by climbing a gate
post and letting oneself drop down, or scaling police barricades and
taking the law unto themselves like the ever recurring chaps in jeans
and T-Shirts and saffron robes.
Which brings on the question of deep longing – when will our
elections be conducted like the British do theirs and concede victory
and accept defeat like they do in true blue gentlemanly fashion.
The best is that the leader of the defeated party resigns from the
leadership forthwith. This year no less than three resigned. Ed
Milliband even placed publicly on his shoulders the entire
responsibility of the defeat of the Labour party. In Sri Lanka we have
defeated leaders rushing in to contest again like goaded bulls in a
Spanish ring!
Menika |