Criminal charges against Gota
Criminal charges are to be filed against former
Defence Secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, for flouting government
tender procedure and for the purchase of four MiG 27 Flogger D
fighter-bomber aircraft in 2006 at a staggering US$ 14,676,000, for
failure of duty and causing loss to the State,
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Avant Garde uncovered
The plot thickens with a former employee of
Avant Garde Maritime Services (Pvt) Ltd - subsidiary of private
security firm Avant Garde Security Services (Pvt) Ltd, spilling the
beans about the inside operations of the floating armoury -
highlighting a number of violations of several laws with national
security implications.
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RADA revelation
RS 169 million meant for tsunami reconstruction
misappropriated :
The Police Special Investigation Unit (SIU)
officers have gathered documentary evidence that Reconstruction and
Development Agency (RADA) heads have pocketed or shared with the
LTTE over Rs.124 million. of the funds set out for tsunami
re-construction in the North and East.
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