Future of HR: Be lean, seen and green
Some common green human resource
initiatives in the west include, using Web or teleconferencing to reduce
travel, promoting the reduction of paper use and implementing wellness
programs to foster employees’ proper nutrition, fitness and healthy
Human Resource has always been an evolving function. It not only
focuses on the most precious resource in any organisation but also
engages in actions to ensure the presence of competencies for
competitive advantage.
As much as it had in the past, and in the present, the function of HR
will have many challenges in the future. Today’s column discusses three
global trends with respect to future HR. I call them the challenge to be
lean, seen and green.
Be lean
There is a wave of becoming faster, cheaper, better in an
increasingly competitive global scene. HR cannot avoid its influence.
Stemming from the Japanese concept of creating value by eliminating
waste, lean management has spread its wings to cover manufacturing and
service sectors.
Gone are the days that HR was ‘humanly rich’ as a department with all
sorts of people, mostly dumped by the seniors. Efficiency with regard to
optimising cadre, in clearly identifying the needs and the specific
roles associated is of utmost importance.
Lean management is in fact a philosophy derived mostly from the
Toyota Production System (TPS). Some management authors have already
coined the term Toyotism to describe this pioneering approach. TPS is
renowned for its focus on reduction of the original Toyota seven wastes
to improve overall customer value, but there are varying perspectives on
how this is best achieved.
Toyota grew steadily from a small company to the world’s largest
automaker. As Toyoda Sakichi (1876-1930) firmly advocated, “quality must
be built in during the manufacturing process”.
One important thing to remember is that HR has to work hand in hand
with other functional departments in being lean. There is no room for
silo mentality.
Be seen
We are increasingly moving towards a virtual world of work. There are
a variety of flexible work technologically connected but geographically
A global virtual team might have members based in New York, New Delhi
and New South Wales. Telecommuting is an arrangement where a person can
work from home by connecting through technology without physically
coming to work. What could be the possible HR challenges? Based on my
research with two US-based colleagues, it was evident that one major
challenge in a virtual team arrangement is trust.
If they have worked with someone physically in the same office at
least for some time, they found it easier to work as a virtual team.
The challenge was to interact with relatively unfamiliar members of
the team in a distant location.
It is an interesting HR scenario in this context. Each member of the
virtual team based in different locations has to be governed by their
local labour laws and other local HR practices.
At the same time, there is a global HR strategy. Hence, it is a case
of think globally and act locally with regard to HR practices pertaining
to virtual team arrangements.
Be green
We are living in a world where nature has begun to strike back.
Chaotic weather patterns across the globe are a grim reminder that
eco-friendly practices of work need a lot more attention.
What matters is not only profits and people, but the planet as
well.Obviously, it impacts HR.
Some common green human resource initiatives in the west include,
using Web or teleconferencing to reduce travel, promoting the reduction
of paper use and implementing wellness programs to foster employees’
proper nutrition, fitness and healthy living.
The important point here is the need to integrate green initiatives
with lean and seen initiatives. In other words, they are not three
isolated sets of actions but one holistic path.
Take paper reduction for example. Instead of having piles of
personnel files in a storeroom, a well-designed HR information system (HRIS)
will do the needful in a much more effective manner. It is a case of
being lean and green at the same time.
By being green, HR has to foster SHE, meaning safety, health and
A healthy workforce which performs their duties with safety in mind,
without polluting the environment is the growing need of our workplaces.
The world of HR is full of jargon. My attempt is not to complicate it
by adding more terms. As Shakespeare vividly wrote in Romeo and
Juliet,“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name
would smell as sweet.” Whether we call it triple challenges of HR or the
GCL phenomena of HR or by any other name, the reality is the need to act
That is where HR professionals have to act as ‘thinking performers’,
in taking the profession forward. The call is simply crucial. Be lean,
seen and green.
The writer is the Director of the Postgraduate Institute of
Management. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Division of
Management and Entrepreneurship, Price College of Business,University of
Oklahoma, USA. |