Employee turnover a costly business
by Rohana Jayalal
The secret behind a profit-making business is its highly skilled and
capable employees. In the same manner, the secret behind loss-making
business is its low skilled and incapable employees.
Therefore, the need to retain experienced and qualified people has
been a challenge for business organisations over time. Employee turnover
is costly for a business, as it has already spent money on developing
the employees.
However, no company can force its employees to stay at the
organisation. On the other hand, forced retention can result in either
absenteeism or presenteeism which can be considered killers of
organisational performance.
The only alternative HR professionals have is to introduce some
retention policies which will motivate people to stay with the company,
because employee retention is of importance in the business world.
People working together in an organisation to earn their bread and
butter and make profits are called employees. Employee retention is a
function of the HR department tasked with reducing the number of
employees leaving the company by improving key processes and conditions.
The ultimate aim is happier, loyal employees who wish to remain with
the company. It is a process in which the employees are encouraged to
remain with the organisation for the maximum period of time or until
completion of the project. Before retention policies are made, senior
managers ought to know that the company suffers from turnover problems.
Let's find out why employees leave an organisation.
Why employees leave
Employees tend to leave, as they are no longer satisfied with the
company. An employee's decision to leave the organisation comes up with
the idea of low job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the level of
contentment that employees feel about their work that can affect
It is obvious that employees leave the company, due to the discontent
that they feel about their job.
There are various reasons that cause low job satisfaction, ultimately
resulting in higher labour turnover. Employees should be motivated to
remain with the company and positively contribute towards profitability.
Even though motivating factors can vary from person to person, some
common factors can be identified. Once employees feel that this is not
the job that they really expected, they might decide to leave. When
growth opportunities cannot be expected, people look for other
organisations that provide employees with growth.
Employee training is important. When people cannot keep hopes about
promotions, they are discouraged. People work for money, unless they are
paid in proportion to their knowledge and skills, they cannot be
prevented from going to another company.
When promotions are made on the basis of sexism and favouritism,
hardworking people are disillusioned and leave the organisation.
Moreover, lack of trust between employees and the management, lack of
appreciation, stress from over work can result in turnover of employees.
If skilled employees leave the organisation it means the business
loses its spirit. The cost caused by the turnover is immeasurable.
Cost of turnover
Almost every company allocates a significant amount of its profits
and time to arm its employees with modern knowledge and skills that pave
the way for winning the market competition.
When these employees leave the company, they take knowledge and
skills acquired at the company to other companies. The situation goes
from bad to worse, as most of the employees leaving the business will
join competitors in the same industry.
Once employees who are considered an asset to the organisation are
recruited by competing companies in the same industry, the previous
company that bore the financial burden to develop employees is unable to
deliver better results in the market.
This will result in low customer satisfaction. In other words, low
employee satisfaction in the organisation can lead to low customer
satisfaction. Ultimately the company will incur losses.
Employees working for a longer period of time are more familiar with
the company's policies, guidelines and thus they adjust better into the
organisational culture. If new people are recruited, extra money and
time has to be spent on making them familiar with the culture.
Old employees are more loyal to the organisation than new recruits.
When employee loyalty is shattered, the company can never keep customers
loyal to the brand. Disloyal employees will never build customer
loyalty. Hiring competent people is not an easy task.
However, the company has to hire people at the rate at which people
leave the company. It can be seen how costly employee turnover is.
Retaining the best
Retaining highly skilled and competent employees is a hot topic in
today's HR discussions. A company should not retain all the employees in
the organisation. If so, it will be very costly. The company must not
hesitate to fire poorly performing employees. However, the emphasis
should be on retention strategies in the best interest of employees.
Employee recognition is one of the most important factors which go a
long way in retaining employees. Everyone likes to be appreciated.
Holding money-gobbling functions to admire employees is not necessary.
Leaders should appreciate their subordinates at every possible time.
When employees are not overloaded with work, they can be creative and
add a competitive advantage to the company. The responsibilities must be
delegated, according to the person's specialisation, qualifications,
experience and interests. Duties should not be assigned without
providing a proper training.
Freedom of expression is of utmost importance at the workplace to
retain employees. Employees should express what they feel about the
company and complain even against the CEO. If an employee resigns,
reasons must be widely discussed.
Many employees, especially female employees leave the workplace,
after marriage. The main reason may be work-life imbalance. Hence,
work-life balance strategies coupled with monetary satisfaction should
be introduced. Creating an employee-friendly culture is a must, as many
workers leave, especially, at the grassroots level, due to the bad
behaviour of co-workers.
Employee turnover can cause a domino effect, tarnishing the goodwill
of the company. It has been proved that sometimes, people are pushed out
of the organisation, due to low job satisfaction.
Nevertheless, in some cases, people are pulled by better chance in
the industry. Having avoided all these negative factors, an organisation
should retain those important for the organisation.
The writer holds a BA in Economics from the University of Colombo. |