Constipation can kill
5 reasons you aren't pooping enough :
is a great overall indicator of your health, and can give you early
clues that things are not right.
So, what exactly is poop? Well, 75% of poop is water, and the
remainder comprises:
-Dead bacteria that helped to digest our food, live bacteria, fats,
fibre,waste material from food, cholesterol, cellular linings, protein,
salts, substances released from the liver, including mucus
The perfect poop is generally shaped like a snake, golden brown in
colour, one to two inches in diameter and 18 inches long. It should have
only a slight odour.
Along with general appearance, regularity is also of utmost
importance when speaking of a healthy digestive system. Most agree that
one to three bowel movements a day is healthy.
Pooping four times a day or more is generally referred to as
diarrhoea (stools may have a liquid consistency or be super soft).
Pooping less than two or three times a week is referred to as
constipation (stools may be hard and dry and difficult to pass).
Dangers of constipation
Yes, constipation is a nuisance, but it certainly is more than that,
and should command our attention when it occurs. The truth is that
constipation is at the root of some very serious medical conditions,
including colorectal cancer.
The colon was designed to hold only a small amount of faeces in
transit, and when faecal matter does not move through the body
efficiently, the colon can end up holding up to twenty pounds or more of
toxic faeces.
Constipation may also be a sign of a condition known as
dysbacteriosis - this is where the normal gut flora is dead or missing.
Healthy gut flora is necessary to protect the colon from pathogens that
cause inflammation. It also produces B and K-vitamins that are necessary
for blood clotting, and protects immunity. In addition, bacteria help to
keep stools soft and moist.
Constipation can have a negative impact on genitourinary health -
mostly in women, because the large intestine and female reproductive
organs are so close together. Potential problems include excessive
pressure on the uterus, faecal incontinence, and even miscarriage
brought about by straining.
Failure to defecate on a regular basis can also interfere with
cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune system functioning. In fact, it
has been shown that chronic constipation can actually kill you. That's
right, bearing down to have a bowel movement can cause fatal heart
arrhythmia in some people.
What causes constipation?
To rectify a problem it is essential to know its roots - what exactly
causes constipation? There are many reasons why irregularity and
constipation occur.
If you are suffering, take a look at the nine reasons below to see if
one or more may be causing you to back up.
Are you a heavy user of antacids? Many of these over-the-counter,
so-called heartburn remedies contain aluminium, which can cause
constipation. A better idea is to use a natural acid reflux reliever
such as apple cider vinegar. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
to a glass of water (about six ounces), and drink before meals to ease
Stress impacts the body in a number of very negative ways, including
causing a flight or fight reaction that may result in constipation. In
addition, people who experience stress on a regular basis often consume
a nutrient void diet - which can compromise proper digestive function.
High blood pressure medications
There are a number of different side effects of high blood pressure
medications - constipation being one of them. If you suffer from
constipation and are taking these meds, you may want to speak to your
healthcare practitioner regarding a healthier alternative. In addition,
there are several foods that are known for having a positive impact on
blood pressure regulation, including beet juice, raw garlic and black
If you drink very little water, your stools are likely to be hard and
difficult to pass. Not consuming enough water for an extended period of
time can prompt chronic constipation. Some health practitioners say to
aim for at least ten glasses a day, while others recommend half of your
body weight in ounces.
Too much dairy
It has been found that too much dairy can cause constipation -
especially in children. If you consume a lot of dairy and meat, but
relatively little fibre, it may be slowing down your digestion. Be sure
you are eating a diet that includes plenty of fresh vegetables and
healthy fats, like those found in olive and coconut oil.
While there may be other reasons for constipation - these are a good
place to start. Once your body begins to rebalance itself your digestive
woes should be a thing of the past. Of course, if your constipation is
severe or you are experiencing other symptoms, be sure to see your
health practitioner.
- The Alternative Daily