Quiet: The Power of Silence
We are living in the world where we keep on talking, talking and
talking. We often don’t think what we want to say, before we open our
mouths because we are always in hurry to talk, despite thinking either
it is meaningful or not, because we want to be called ‘extrovert’
(talkative, social person).
We talk too much. Unfortunately we haven’t had a single second to
listen to anyone else or even to ourselves.
Just think for a while, what you like to eat or drink, what’s your
favourite colour, from whose personality you got impressed, what you
actually want, which thing gives you happiness, what brings a smile on
your face. About 60-70% people’s answer will be a ‘question mark’.
enjoy the music in full volume but our ears are unable to listen to the
whisper and sometime even screaming of our heart, our soul or our inner
self. We have time to talk or listen to others but we haven’t had a time
for ourselves to listen to our inner self or to talk to our self.
Time for ourselves
Yet today we made room for remarkably narrow range of personality
styles. We are told to be great is to be bold; to be happy is to be
We want to see ourselves as ‘extroverts’, which means we have lost
sight of who we truly are. So, many people pretend to be extroverts
while there is an introvert inside every one of us. We ignore the
startling power of being quiet and pretend to be more talkative and
social but at last we strike off from pretending we are extroverts.
It is okay to be social, bold and talkative but despite of all that,
you must give some time to yourself. Be quiet for some time and just
listen to yourself.
Keep silence and keep on listening yourself.
There is dignity in silence, which keeps you emotionally strong, and
helps to meet to your soul, tells who really are you, what you can do.
That silence and quietness are drawn to the inner world of your
thought and feelings, focus on the meaning of your life, meaning of your
own feelings, thoughts, emotion, simply it whispers you to yourself.
Great thinkers
Great minds think alone and without those alone great thinkers the
world would be devoid of:
The theory of gravity - Albert Einstein
The theory of relativity - Isaac Newton
The origin of species - Charles Darwin
Google - Larry Page (cofounder)
Apple - Steve Wozniak (cofounder)
And many more
These quitters change the world because Wisdom speaks loudest in
silence. These personalities showed the power of being quiet and worked
in solitude because solitude is a catalyst to innovation.
Talk to yourself
To know about yourself you must give time to yourself. Sit quietly
and silently listen to yourself, may be it takes time but practice it
daily, you will definitely be able to listen to yourself. Talk to
yourself ask yourself what you actually want.
Quietness and silence makes your inner life rich, give power to your
inner soul. Quietness has power in itself. It brings courage of lion
although you are soft spoken; bring a firmly speaking style, able to
talk reasonably, makes you soft and tough at the same time, teaches you
what to say and how to say, produce self possession and power that did
not need to flaunt itself.
Do not loss your centres, your inner self by being indulged with the
meaningless noise of that world- the world which can’t stop talking.
Silence has sounds and often screams so, listen to the silence
insides you. It has a quality and dimensions all its own, because
silence is the source of great strength.
Remember that:
Successful people have two things on their lips - smile and silence.