New Year resolutions
by Husna Inayathullah
New Year resolutions are followed as a tradition. It is a list of
things that you plan to do from the beginning of the New Year to make
yourself a better person.
It is always good to have New Year resolutions because it makes a
person promise to do an act of self-improvement. There are many
religious origins of the New Year resolutions.

Babylonians promised their Gods at the start of each year that they
would return borrowed objects and repay their debts. The Romans began
each year by making promises to God Janus, for whom January has been
named. In the Medieval era, the knights took the "Peacock vow" at the
end of Christmas each year to re-affirm their commitment to chivalry.
Many Christians prepare for the year ahead by praying and making
resolutions at watch-night services.
The following are some New Year Resolution tips that you can follow.

1. I will clean my toys and put them where they belong.
2. I will brush my teeth twice a day, and wash my hands after going
to the toilet and before eating. 3. I won't tease dogs or other pets -
even friendly ones.
4. I will avoid being bitten by keeping my fingers and face away from
their mouths.
5. I will always wear a helmet when riding a bike.
6. I will wear my seat belt every time I get into a car. I'll sit in
the back seat and use a booster seat until I am tall enough to use a
lap/shoulder seat belt.
7. I will be friendly to children who may have a hard time making
friends by asking them to join sports or games.
8. I will never encourage or even watch bullying, and join others in
checking bullies.
9. I will try to eat two servings of fruits and two servings of
vegetables every day, and I will drink sodas only at special times.

10. I will take care of my body through physical activity and eat the
right types of food.
11. I will be careful about whom I choose to date, and always treat
the other person with respect and without forcing them to do something
or using violence. I will expect to be treated the same way in return.
12. I agree not to use a cellphone or text message while driving and
to always use a seat belt. |