Prof. Manique Gunasekera:
We've lost an honourable lady
I got to know Manique when I started my university life at Kelaniya
in 1973. Manique had also joined the university but to pursue a
different academic path, in the English stream. I was on the other hand,
pursuing a mass communication degree in the Sinhala medium. Manique had
joined from the Holy Family Convent in Bambalapitiya, with a strong
Catholic upbringing. Some of her qualities I cherish to this day.
Although she held high positions, she never lost her common touch and
was known by everyone as a down to earth person.
As we began our campus career, within a short time she swept away
many differences between the students of the two streams. Manique was
the bridge between us. During our time at Kelaniya, there was no
Students' Union for the UNP. Manique and I were among the pioneers in
the UNP Students Union who went on to take control of the University in
our final year.This was the only time a UNP students' movement had taken
control of student politics at the University.
Hearing of Manique's demise had a profound impact on me. Not only did
I lose a good friend, but our country lost an honourable lady.
After completing her Degree, Manique pursued an academic career at
Kelaniya University, and she went on to Head the English Department.
Finally, she rose to the top position in her field by being the Head of
the Postgraduate Department at Kelaniya.
Manique's departure from this world adds to the grief of losing
another batch mate from Kelaniya only a few years ago. Romesh Jayasinghe,
Sri Lanka's former Foreign Secretary, passed away in 2011. Romesh,
Manique and I were at Kelaniya at the same time.
I had the privilege of associating with these two great
personalities, who excelled in their respective fields, and made our
nation proud.
Going back to our time in Kelaniya, Manique extended her fullest
support in campus politics, especially during election time at
university. All our Sinhalese language posters were translated by
Manique. She always took on the leadership in bringing the English
medium students to union meetings. It was a great success for the UNP
Once some of our batchmates wanted to go to a well-known fortune
teller in Bambalapitiya, Manique also accompanied them. Unfortunately,
however many forecasts by him did not materialize.
However, Manique managed to forecast good relationships. She had the
rare quality of bringing together compatible partners for life, as I am
sure many who read this will agree.
- Imthiaz Bakeer Markar
Fourteenth death anniversary of Deshabandu Alec
An outstanding propagator of the Dhamma
is fourteen years since Deshabandu Alec Robertson – preacher, writer and
broadcaster of the Dhamma and one-time Member of Parliament – passed
Alec Robertson was born in Gampola on October 30, 1928, and died on
the last day of 2002, at the age of 74. His working life was dedicated
mainly to the Buddhist cause – propagating the Dhamma through talks,
discussions, books and articles to Buddhist journals and newspapers.
Propagating the Dhamma
One of his most significant contributions was the popularisation of
the weekly Dhamma discussions in English at Maitri Hall, Lauries’ Road,
Bambalapitiya. He was closely associated with the Servants of the Buddha
Society, which has conducted Buddhist discussions on Saturday evenings
for almost half a century. He started taking part in these meetings
while he was still at school. He became the society’s Assistant
Secretary when he was just 21 years. Later, he became secretary, and
served as president for an uninterrupted 30 years, from 1969.
He relinquished this office only when he realised that declining
health would not permit him to discharge the duties of this office
effectively. But he continued to be associated with the society as its
adviser until his demise.
His voice and personality reverberated in the Maitri Hall, where he
chaired the society’s meetings and gave a Dhamma talk every first
Saturday of the month. When the scheduled speaker could not turn up,
Alec Robertson would give the talk himself, often asking the audience to
suggest a topic.
Mr. Robertson had a prodigious memory. His knowledge of the Dhamma
was extensive, based on his studies of Pali, the Dhamma, the Abhidhamma,
and commentaries, as well as through his association with Buddhist
scholars, monks and laymen.
Robertson was also for many years associated with broadcasting,
giving Dhamma talks on the radio and participating in Dhamma radio
discussions. For several decades he participated in one of the most
popular Buddhist radio programmes at that time, namely, the “Buddhist
Forum”. In this forum, a number of Buddhist scholars discuss various
aspects of the Dhammaand entertain subjects for discussions from
listeners. Participants in this forum apart from Mr. Robertson included
at that time the Late S. R. Wijayatilake, a former Judge of the Supreme
Court and the late Austin De Silva, a dedicated Buddhist worker. Mr.
Robertson became the Chairman of the Buddhist Forum later and continued
to perform the task, except for brief intervals, until his death, a
period of two and half a decades.
As a writer, Mr. Robertson had many Buddhist publications to his
credit. These include the “Buddhist Attitude To Christianity”; “Nibbana
– Happiness Supreme”, “The Triple Gem and the Uposatha”, and “Buddha,
the Healer Incomparable”. He also regularly contributed articles to the
newspapers, Buddhist journals and the Buddhist annual, Vesak Sirisara.
Although known largely as a promoter of the Dhamma among
English-speaking people, Alec Robertson also had a good command of the
Sinhala language. As a young man he travelled to different parts of the
country giving talks, usually in Sinhala, at the invitation of Buddhist
organisations in the outstations.
He strived to share his knowledge about the latent power in the human
mind. His messages were directed at awakening people to recognize this
great untapped and unseen capacity within them and to introduce the
teachings of the Dharma as the path to greater self-awareness.
Deshabandu Robertson masterfully used the Dhamma to explain the most
abstract concepts such as the doctrine of impermanency that has even
posed challenges to Western psychologists. Deshabandu Robertson was well
read in the discipline of Western psychology. He openly challenged
eminent western scholars like Dr J. B. Reihn’s conceptualization of the
human mind as inconclusive on the strength of the deeper understanding
he had developed through the teachings of the Dhamma. continually
asserting his belief that the Buddha was the greatest ever psychologist
the world had ever seen.
His outstanding services in the cause of the Dhamma were recognised
by the State when the J.R. Jayewardene administration conferred on him
the title of Deshabandu. Later, the Premadasa government appointed him
as a Member of Parliament. He served for five years as an MP, focusing
largely on Buddhism, social welfare and education. The UNP assigned him
to the Avissawella electorate, and his addresses to the constituents
were mainly on the Dhamma and its practice.
Commemorative Stamp
In recognition of the yeoman service rendered to the nation and
Buddha sasana by him . A commemorative stamp was issued on October 30,
2013 under the National Heroes category. This was arranged to mark his
85th birthday and 10th anniversary of his demise.
He pursued his mission in life with determination, courage and
May his onward journey in Samsara be smooth and brief, and may he
realise early the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana.
-Rajah Kuruppu