Motivated by nature, life, love and living, a novel
way to make those time tested New Year pledges:
Unlike the time tested resolutions, 500px ISO Group, home to the best
photo stories on the web and a go-to source for everything photography
related, recently asked its members to make a 1000-word resolution in a
single click and share it with the world, so that someone, somewhere,
would be inspired, motivated, moved and encouraged to make some changes
in 2016 for the life they always wanted.
The pictures and comments submitted were truly inspirational with the
photographers consistently looking at the big picture, choosing to
conquer fear, to imbue their photography with the kind of heart and soul
that touches viewers deeply, and to turn up the volume on the voice that
said they have something special to offer the community and the world at
So, whether you’ve not decided on a resolution, or are simply looking
for some motivation, here are some pictorial resolutions aimed to
1 - Heart of the Family by Monroe Payne
Composition, check. Technical expertise, check. This year I’m going
for imagination and emotion tied together in images that call to
viewers’ hearts.
2 - Cherries by Laurens Kaldeway
This coming year I resolve to: i) worry less about what others think
of my work and ii) mentor my kids in the art of photography.
3 - The African Sunset by Pat Nanyaro
I live in a country where there is a beautiful scene somewhere
awaiting to be captured! I live in Tanzania! I started a micro campaign
on two other social networks to encourage people to shoot and share the
beauty of our country… the response was awesome… but it has just given
me a new desire to work with my own hands now!
I resolve to get my gear (and my jeep) and cut across the terrain,
from the white sands beach on the Indian Ocean to the Primates Jungles
reaching the shores of Lake Tanganyika! I resolve to capture this beauty
for all to see!
4 - After the rain by DJ Lee
I want to move beyond the basics to the more creative aspects of
photography. My New Year’s photography resolution is to learn,
experiment, and grow as an artist.
5 - Reflecting love by Chiara Marcon
My goal is to complete the diploma in photography which I started a
few months ago, and at the same time to give space to my creativity and
imagination for better photos. (all this while working full time and
studying for a part-time MA, but hey…surely 24 hours in a day are
6 - Blue Hour at the Louvre by Rafael Ramirez
I resolve to not wait around for the perfect weather, lighting etc.
and just go shoot!
7 - The good side will always win by Anas Oudat
To Combine my Soul with photography and continue my trip with sharing
love and happiness by photography.
8- Friendly Eyes by Way 2 Dreamzz
I will let go of my fears to click the crowded world I have clicked
the same surroundings for these two years: the same model, the same
house, the same plants, only a very few different places. I’m going to
explore more with my Nokia N8… This world has so many wonders to offer!
9 - Warm Light vs. Cold Light by Iwan Groot
To work on business and networking to help get my photography noticed
by the right people and make photography more than a hobby. To enjoy it,
for myself, next for others. To bring people into another world of
adventure with stunning images.
10 - Golden Reflections by Patrick Kulwicki
A very good question with a very simple answer for myself! I started
my photography journey in March of 2014 with the purchased of my first
DSLR. I scraped and pinched for a little over a year prior to the
journey to afford a few lenses, tripod, filters and camera in one shot
(no pun intended). In that year, I studied every article I came across
in relation to photography. I tried to learn what I could while using my
point and shoot. I sometimes feel a little out of my league on occasion
almost like a goldfish in a shark tank. It’s that feeling though that
keeps me swimming with the current. I am personally pleased with the
growth I have experienced so far, and know there a long road still ahead
of me. It’s the passion that keeps me walking on this path in this
continuing journey. So I am going to answer this question very simply:
My 2016 resolution in photography is… To continue to grow!
