Inflation drops in January

A street fruit shop
Inflation in January 2016, as measured by the change in the National
Consumer Price Index (NCPI) (2013 = 100), compiled by the Department of
Census and Statistics, decreased to -0.7 percent in from 4.2 percent in
December last year, on year-on-year basis mainly due to the higher base
of the corresponding period last year. Annual average NCPI inflation
decreased to 2.9 percent in January 2016 from 3.8 percent in December.
NCPI decreased by 1.1 percent from December to January. This monthly
decrease was mainly due to the decrease in prices of the items in the
Food and Non Alcoholic Beverages category. Prices of vegetables, green
chillies, lime, big onions, potatoes and coconuts decreased during the
Prices of fresh fish, dried fish, some varieties of fruits and eggs
increased during the month. Prices of Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and
Narcotics; and Clothing and Footwear sub-categories also increased
during January.
Prices in the Transport sub-category decreased during January. Prices
of Houses, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels; Furnishing,
Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance; Health;
Communication; Recreation and Culture; Education; Restaurants and
Hotels; and Miscellaneous Goods and Services sub-categories remained
unchanged during the month. |