Road travel is becoming increasingly dangerous
and hazardous:
Western Province, the most unsafe:
Road accident statistics compiled by the computer
division of the Traffic Police reveals that a Sri Lankan is killed
in a road accident every 3 ½ hours and twice that number are
critically injured. This is a clear indication that road travel is
becoming increasingly dangerous and hazardous.
cat’s eye:
E. M. Forster wrote about what’s rude and
reprehensible in society thus: “…distinction between coarseness and
vulgarity is that coarseness is revealing something; vulgarity,
concealing something.”
The traffic from Washington, D.C to Colombo has increased
dramatically in 2015. Secretary of State John Kerry visited Sri Lanka in
May. The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power was in the
country in November. Ambassador Thomas Shannon, Counselor of the
Department of State and Assistant Secretary of State for South and
Central Asian Affairs Nisha Biswal, were in Colombo in December. For
Biswal, this was her second visit to Sri Lanka within five months. These
constant visits of high ranking officials from the United States to Sri
Lanka have raised many eyebrows. Why are so many high-ranking American
officials visiting Sri Lanka suddenly? This is a legitimate question.