Largest syndicated loan in non-bank sector
Three key financial institutions of the LOLC Group have obtained
loans totalling USD 247 million from multiple foreign funding partners.
This funding amount represents a significant national milestone, as
it includes the largest syndication of the Non-bank Financial
Institution sector in Sri Lanka.
A USD 153.1 million loan was granted to Commercial Leasing and
Finance PLC, through FMO (FinancieringsMaatschappijOntwikkelingslanden),
the Dutch Development Bank that provided the loan and acted as Mandated
Lead Arranger and Facility Agent.
Chief Investment Officer of FMO, Linda Broekhuizen said, "The FMO is
proud to act as Mandated Lead Arranger and Facility Agent of this USD
153 million facility. It is encouraging to see so much commitment to job
creation and economic growth, both among the other lenders and CLC.
In addition to the syndicated loan transaction, FMO - in partnership
with other lenders in the syndicate - is committed to supporting CLC
with a tailor-made technical assistance program to further strengthen
CLC's operation standards.
LOLC Finance PLC received a USD 69 million loan consisting of USD 30
million from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and a USD 39 million
syndicated loan from prominent Middle Eastern banks. T
LOLC Micro Credit Limited, the largest microfinance company in the
country, received a USD 25 million senior loan from ADB, making it the
single-largest loan received by the company in the present financial
The ADB will also provide a technical assistance package to LOLC
Micro Credit Limited and LOLC Finance PLC, comprising mobile banking
support and the development of Environmental and Social Management
Director for Financial Institutions at ADB's Private Sector
Operations Department,Christine Engstrom said, "The ADB loans build upon
our relationship with the LOLC Group, which was initiated with a loan in
2007. It also complements other funding that ADB has done recently to
support growth of the private financial sector in Sri Lanka. In addition
to senior loans, ADB partnered with a consortium of leading Middle
Eastern Banks to provide a B loan to LOLC Finance to meet their
expanding needs."
Group Managing Director, LOLC Group, Kapila Jayawardena said, "The
group has one if not the largest array of international funding
partners. These institutions consider LOLC Group as their preferred
conduit in achieving their development and commercial goals. Over the
years these partnerships have expanded and strengthened and contribution
extends beyond funding. Our foreign partners have offered us invaluable
assistance ranging from capacity building to exposure to global
standards over the years, which has enabled us to achieve operational
excellence offering the competitive edge." |