NDB Wealth hosts Islamic finance seminar
NDB Wealth hosted an Islamic finance seminar, for investors, to
commemorate the recent visit of Mufti Shafique Jakhura, the Muslim legal
authority who oversees the NDB Wealth Islamic Money Plus Fund. Islamic
Finance is widely considered the fastest growing area of the global
financial services sector. In his in-depth and informative presentation,
titled 'Islamic Economic Principles - Introduction and Practical
Applications', Jakhura briefed local investors about the history,
principles and values of Islamic finance, touching on areas such as
'Introduction to Shariah', 'Basic Islamic Economic Principles',
'Fundamental Islamic Commercial Principles', 'History of Islamic
Finance'; and 'Current Trends in Islamic Finance'.
This was followed by opportunities for participants to interact with
NDB Wealth CEO Prabodha Samarasekera said, "The visit of the Jakhura
was an excellent opportunity to create awareness among investors of the
NDB Wealth Islamic Money Plus Fund, a money market fund, compliant with
Shariah principles. This seminar also outlined the financial planning
expertise available for investors to build their wealth while adhering
to Shariah principles."
The NDB Wealth Islamic Money Plus Fund places its investor's funds
solely in Shariah compliant securities, which are continually monitored
by an independent Shariah supervisory board. As with all wealth funds
from NDB Wealth, income from this fund is also completely tax free in
the hands of the investor, with the investor's cash accessible to them
at any time, and no penalties or fees levied on early withdrawals.
"Our many new innovations, such as the NDB Wealth Islamic Money Plus
Fund, are excellent entry points for fledgling investors. It will
introduce them to the many opportunities available when they partner NDB
Wealth. We also offer the added benefit of our financial planners who
provide their expertise as needed," said Samarasekera. |