Freedom to love
What is our definition of 'development'
and social 'advancement' if our lovers cannot visit and enjoy inspiring
public places and scenic locations in their own country? And why is war
and communal hostility extolled as heroism and nationalism but love and
intimacy sidelined embarrassedly and even restricted on our Dharma
Captive Europeans held in the villages of late medieval Sri Lanka
were goggle-eyed at what they saw as the lewd antics of the natives.
Women of certain classes and castes were bare-breasted, just as much as
their male counterparts were bare-chested. Couples had the freedom to
love and live together informally until their intent to bear children
and maintain a family prompted them to formally resolve - in a sacred
ceremony before family and community - to live as a conjugal unit for
their lifetime.
In one form of marriage, the woman agreed to live with one or more
male siblings of her partner in polyandrous cohabitation. In another
form of marriage, the man would live with, and care for, more than one
cohabiting female spouse in polygamous partnership. Both polyandry as
well as polygamy were forms of sexual relations and conjugal partnership
practised not only in Sri Lanka but also in much of the southern part of
the Sub-continent, be it Tamil Nadu, Kerala or, Karnataka and
surrounding regions.
Some foreigners, whose own societies practised very different forms
of social and sexual behaviour, could not help being disturbed by the
lifestyle they experienced on our 'paradise' isle. Those who lived long
on the island, learned the social rationales behind the indigenous
social norms and, adjusted their attitudes. It is no wonder, then, that
Robert Knox could not wait to tell the world about his serendipitous
The evolution of a human society in the climatic conditions of an
equatorial island with temperatures of limited fluctuation and high
humidity has naturally brought with it attitudes and lifestyles that
treat the human body and physical interactions between people in a
certain way. This is quite different from societies where people live in
climates that require warm clothing and the constant covering of the
body either for protection from extreme cold or extreme heat and
sunlight. The non-exposure of the body in public creates a very
different understanding of nudity and sexuality as compared with
lifestyles where clothing is at a minimum due to climate and natural
Thus, while the potentates of cold and harsh climes adorn themselves
in layers of fine clothing, our nobles and kings were proudly
bare-chested but adorned with the finest jewellery.
A few centuries of Euro-Christian Puritanism were not enough to upset
local mindsets when hippie holiday-makers crowded our southern beaches
in the nineteen-sixties in thongs and g-strings or sometimes joyously
nude. Neither did that same Western religio-cultural influence erase
local structures of gendering and sexuality. Even today, Sri Lankan (and
South Asian) men hold hands in friendly intimacy and inter-sexual
relations are fluid and provide for a range of social situations in
which variations of gendering are enabled, legitimate and fulfilling.
Modern Sri Lankan law governing human relations should build on our
indigenous civilisational flexibility even as we devise laws and social
ordering that ensures justice and freedom and, not the stifling of human
The ravages of colonial imposition bite deep. Freedom in one way does
not save our minds from a colonial intellectual crippling in other ways.
Our sense of colonised inferiority results in a confusion of aspirations
and, in crude adjustments of behaviour and pretensions - all in efforts
to copy the 'developed' world.
Security officers chase away couples from our national symbol of
freedom from colonialism: Independence Hall. Police chase away lovers
sheltering demurely under umbrellas on Galle Face Green. Guards in city
parks target young men and women holding hands in intimate conversation.
Last week's protest at Independence Square over this kind of restriction
must serve as a warning alarm of the danger of forgetting our indigenous
reality as we seek some half-baked fantasy of 'perfection'.
Even as we absorb the currents of Modernity, we need to filter out
the extraneous flotsam that could straitjacket our creativity and
flamboyance. As Jawaharlal Nehru once observed (to paraphrase him), we
need to retain our capacity for independent thought so that we do not
get blown off our feet by irrelevant foreign influences.
The Lovers depicted in Isurumuniya should not be only engraved in
stone. Neither should the beauties of the Sigiriya frescoes be the sole,
two dimensional depiction of beauty on an otherwise puritanically barren