Bid to avoid sanctions for joining UPFA rebel May Day
In a bid to stave off party disciplinary action for attending the rebel
UPFA break-away May Day rally, the dissident SLFP parliamentarians in
the UPFA rebel group have begun talks with senior SLFP leaders to work
out an “amicable settlement”.
The government is not willing to conduct Local Council elections in
sections, Minister of Justice and Buddhasasana, Wijeyadasa Rajapaksa
said in response to a call by People’s Action for Free and Fair
Elections (PAFFEREL) to conduct elections in areas that are not under
COPE and COPA should be open to the media:
COPE doesn’t have any judicial powers. It cannot
fulfill the role played by some law enforcement authorities such as the
Police, the CID and the Bribery Commission. According to the powers
vested with Parliament to control public finances, COPE can only
investigate public enterprises run with public taxes and see whether
they fulfil their mandate.