PickMe's SOS feature helped relief measures
Some start-up companies came up with unique ideas to support relief
measures during the last two weeks, especially to pick dry rations from
donors. Among them was the mobile app based taxi hailing service, PickMe.

Member of PickMe rescue team checking for SOS updates on
PickMe app in Kolonnawa |
PickMe initially teamed up with a television station to pick up dry
rations from those who wanted to contribute. This was done through a
special icon on their mobile app, which customers could click on, and
the company would send a taxi for the pickup. The collections were
brought to a pick up point and delivered to the TV station, to be
distributed among the needy.
PickMe's SOS app was also used to locate and rescue flood victims who
were marooned. All those who had the PickMe app on their phone could
click on it and PickMe could identify the exact location of the stranded
people, using GPS tracking. CEO, PickMe, Zulfer Jiffry said, "We had a
large number of people who responded and some of this information we
passed onto the teams doing rescue operations while we also operated
some boats to rescue people." "Even though GPS tracking has been around
for a long time, this is probably the first time it has been used as an
interface between the those who were in distress and teams involved in
rescue missions. There is a lot that needs to be done in creating
awareness and during these floods we have learnt what we can do over and
beyond just being a taxi service," he said.
The company collaborated with the Defence Ministry to airlift
marooned flood victims. PickMe had a team to pass on distress signals no
sooner they were received to the Defence Ministry helicopter rescue crew
who acted on them deploying their craft to the locations provided by the
company. Over 200 families including children, pregnant mothers and the
elderly who were in unreachable areas were brought to safety, said