Urgent banking reforms vital for economic growth
Banks are important financial intermediaries in the
by Dinesh Weerakkody
Banks accept deposits and make loans and derive a profit from the
difference in the interest rates paid and charged to depositors and
The process performed by banks of taking in funds from a depositor
and then lending them to a borrower is known as financial

Sri Lanka’s construction industry is set to accelerate over
the coming years on account of rising public infrastructure
spending, sustained investment from oversees and increasing
tourist numbers. |
Through the process of financial intermediation, certain assets are
transformed into different assets or liabilities.
As such, financial intermediaries channel funds from people who have
extra money or surplus savings (savers) to those who do not have enough
money to carry out a desired activity (borrowers).
Vital institutions
Banks thrive on the financial intermediation abilities of financial
institutions that allow them to lend money and receiving money on
The bank is the most important financial intermediary in the economy
as it connects surplus and deficit economic agents.
Banks are vital institutions in any society as they significantly
contribute to the development of an economy through the facilitation of
Banks also facilitate the development of saving plans and are
instruments of the government's monetary strategy among others. The most
important service is the credit provision.
Credit fuels economic activity by allowing businesses to invest
beyond their cash on hand, households to purchase homes without saving
the entire cost in advance and governments to smooth out their spending
by mitigating the cyclical pattern of tax revenue and to invest in
infrastructure projects. Therefore, the key role for a financial
institution is to facilitate investment to sustain the long-term
economic growth of the country.
Development goals
Despite a slowdown in 2015, Sri Lanka's construction industry is set
to accelerate over the coming years on account of rising public
infrastructure spending, sustained investment from oversees and
increasing tourist numbers.
The industry's expansion will continue to be tempered by political
uncertainty, bank lending, currency volatility and skills shortages. Sri
Lanka's construction industry recorded real growth of 5.5% in 2015,
reaching a value of US $ 9.0 billion.
Analysts forecast the industry's real growth to accelerate to 8.3% in
2016, largely on account of increased public expenditure. Between 2016
and 2025, the industry is expected grow around 9% annually, largely
supported by sustained public and private investment and rising tourist
However, the country will certainly be challenged if we continue to
look for infrastructure spending through public sector budgets even
though the expectation is that public spending will continue to remain a
significant part of future infrastructure financing.
The reality is the share of public spending cannot continue at such a
high level. As the total investment grows, it will put further pressure
on public budgets.
Debt sustainability will also constrain public spending, especially
given our high oversees borrowings. Therefore, the key role for public
finance will be to facilitate private sector investment by signaling
policy commitment and covering shortfalls in revenue due to pricing and
social constraints.
The other challenge we have is that most commercial banks in Sri
Lanka are averse to cumbersome project preparation and have limited
capacity in-house to evaluate complex projects and also don't have the
balance sheet size and lack adequate financing and lending instruments.
Lending to government
The other issue is lending to the government. There has been a
significant increase in lending to state-controlled entities by banks,
such as the Water Board, UDA and RDA.
Most of these state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have no or insufficient
revenue generating capacity to service these loans and hence there is a
Treasury guarantee.
While this is technically considered risk free, in practice it is an
unequal relationship since in the event of Treasury not allocating funds
to those agencies through the Budget or not paying up under the
guarantee, there is very little the banks can do to enforce and get cash
which it will need to service their liabilities.
There is no regulatory imposed limit on how much of such lending is
permitted since it is possible to get exemption from Single Borrower
Often these borrowings do not get captured in government debt (debt/
GDP ratios) as these are not managed by the Public Debt Department.
Therefore, non-revenue generating government agencies should either
get allocations from funds raised by the government through the Public
Debt Department or by issuing listed debentures directly to the market.
The exposure of banks to these entities needs to be capped.
Banking reforms
Corporate governance needs in Sri Lanka generally have been very rule
based and prescriptive and so are several other regulations and taken
together they inhibit the ability of banks often to differentiate from
others to offer a superior value proposition.
Some of the directions need to be revised. Generally, the problem is
that all changes are regulator driven and not business driven.
There is often no proper cost benefit analysis of new regulations
when they are introduced and the regulatory costs have become a big
burden for banks.
While changes are sometimes advised in advance, most often the
regulator has been inflexible when submissions have been raised.
Some of the key indicators in the past have been manipulated to
benefit the government agenda: e.g. Capital adequacy - no risk weight
attached to pawning advances or foreign currency borrowings of the
Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) from Sri Lanka banks. Liquidity -
illiquid long-term foreign currency debt instruments of the GOSL are
considered liquid assets although there is no secondary market.
If all these are factored into the balance sheets of some of the
banks it would look very different.
Money recovery laws which has significant impact on cost of capital
of lenders also needs to be reformed. The banking sector stability
undoubtedly is an important driver of gross domestic product (GDP)
growth and therefore, the government policy should pay more attention to
banking sector soundness.
Sri Lanka also needs a minimum of four banks with an asset base of Rs.
1 trillion to get us to a US$100 billion economy by 2020.
The government should also set the record straight on the merger of
banks, saying any initiative has to come from the board of the banks
concerned, keeping in view synergies and benefits of the merger and
their commercial judgment and the govt. role is only that of a
However, in certain institutions there is certainly a need to get rid
of board toxicity and management deterioration.
In the final analysis, the Prime Minister as the Minister of National
Policies and Economic Affairs (the ministry supervising the Central Bank
and the SEC) has a great opportunity to achieve his twin agenda;
creating a million jobs and enhancing income levels by driving the
financial sector reforms agenda, thereby giving a very strong signal to
the market that they are ready to support genuine investor appetite and
provide businesses the freedom, to create wealth.
The writer is a former banker |