I've got many trees that have leaves on their branches
I've got colourful flowers that have colourful petals on them
I've got many oceans that have drops of water
I've got many animals that love one another.
I've got branches like snakes that creep on the ground
And I've got many leaves that turns into many colours during the seasons
I've got flower buds that turn into flowers
And I've got flowers that turn into fruits.
I've got drops of water that turn into seas
And I've got many seas that turn into oceans
I've got caterpillars that turn into butterflies
And I've got animals that grow like a tree.
Kande Kankanemalage,Ave Maria Convent,Negombo.
Greedy bear
There was a bear who wanted to eat a lot,
And one day he helped a poor person
Who gave him food in return.
The bear ate all the food
without taking a single breath.
And then he heard a sound in the tummy.
Suddenly he shouted, “help, help!”
Mr. Leaks heard it and he came
and took the bear to the forest hospital.
There was a doctor called Bunny Boo,
He checked the bear and asked him
whether he ate lots of food.
The bear said, “Yes” and the doctor said,
“Oh poor little greedy bear,
don't eat a lot from today.”
Sithmini D. Sirithunga,Year 6,Sacred Heart Convent.
As I walked by the road
I saw an old lady
She looked strong enough
Or of course maybe
As her bags came tumbling down
She wanted help and looked around
I went there and picked up the bags
She looked at me and said, “thanks little lass.”
As she went
I saw something strange
It was hanging down
Oh! Her sausage chain!
Aanya Genemulla,Grade 7,Holy Family Convent,Bambalapitiya.
My pet pig
I love my pig
He is very big
He is very fat
And has a big black hat
He watches my clock
It is shaped like a sock
We go to the field
With my very own shield
I comb his hair
Which flies in the air
His eyes always sparkle
When he thinks I'm a rascal
His name is Fig
Because he wears a wig
I love my pig
He is very big
Adriana Wickramanayake Cutter,Grade 5,Gateway College,Negombo. |