Ceylon Cold Stores opens trading for July
CSE Bell-ringing ceremony:
Ceylon Cold Stores (CCS) rang the opening bell to commence trading at
the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) on Friday, the first day of the month.
Directors Ajit Gunewardene and Ronnie Peiris, President of the
Consumer Foods Sector of JKH and Director Jit Gunaratne, CFO, Sanjeewa
Jayaweera, Head of Beverages, Daminda Gamlath and Head of Supply Chain
Management Sanjeewa Jayasundara represented CCS.
The CSE was represented by Chairman, Vajira Kulatilaka, CEO, Rajeeva
Bandaranaike and the management. Chairman, CSE, Vajira Kulatilaka said,
“Bell-ringing events are organized at the start of every month to serve
as a platform to generate exposure for listed companies and we are
pleased to host CCS to open trading for the month of July”
“Elephant House is a household brand in Sri Lanka, a brand that we
have lived with over the years and one that we will continue to live
with. It is certainly pleasing to see how the brand has developed over
the years.
I would like to thank CCS for the support the company has shown
towards the Sri Lankan capital market and wish the company continued
success,” he said.
CCS Director Ajit Gunewardene said, “CCS was founded in 1866 and this
year happens to be our 150th anniversary. 150-years-old but actually
exceedingly young, because we are today still an iconic brand and we
remain leaders in the market after 150 years.”
“We are competing with multinationals and other long standing
establishments and the three key verticals that we are involved in are
world class.
That is something that all companies listed on the CSE should strive
to be. It is the only way you can sustain yourself and continue to add
value to your stakeholders,”he said.
“Having listed at the CSE in 1970, CCS is looked to be synonymous
with good governance, sustainability and robust performance, and is a
strong believer of creating value for all stakeholders.
A host of common threads and shared beliefs stemming from the
corporate vision and values of JKH are firmly entrenched within the
company’s DNA, facilitating long-term, sustainable value creation for
all connected parties and society,” Gunewardene said. Founded as the
Colombo Ice Company, which imported and used the country’s first ice
making machine. |