Sunday Politics:
The Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) bigwigs have already made it
clear that they will back the Executive Presidency - the system they
kept demonising for 17 years when the party was in opposition.
Cat’s eye:
There they were, members of the Joint Opposition (or, followers of
Mahinda Rajapaksa, without him of course or his brethren), in a
public protest on a boulevard in the heart of the city of Colombo.
The Western Province which has the dubious distinction of heading the
list of dengue-hit regions , last month showed a slight decline in the
accumulated cases ( 46.74%). Nonetheless, the numbers of suspected cases
in June are worrying, health officials said. For example, according to
the Epidemiology Unit, the Colombo Municipality area this June recorded
a spike of 379 compared to 154 suspected cases in May. With a parallel
increase in other areas in Colombo, the score now stands at 414 at June
end compared to 229 in May in the CMC metropolis.