CKD-affected areas get drinking water
With the opening of its eleventh RO Plant, the Hayleys Puritas Sath
Diyawara project, provides, 110,000 litres of drinking water to 25,000
people, in 16 villages, daily. Hayleys chose Puritas Sath Diyawara as
its Flagship CSR project due to the increasing prevalence of Chronic
Kidney Disease (CKD), particularly in the North Central Province of the
country. CKDis estimated to have affected around 400,000 individuals
(roughly 10%-15% of the population in the areas) and has claimed more
than 22,000 lives and is found to be spreading rapidly to Northern,
North Western, Eastern and Uva Provinces.
Hayleys Puritas Sath Diyawara, was launched by Puritas, a subsidiary
of the Purification Sector of Hayleys, and now multiple sectors of the
Hayleys Group sponsor the project,
It was awarded the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards in 2015.
The second phase, 'Going Beyond' addresses the socio-economic needs
of the affected villages through knowledge dissemination and
empowerment. Key Initiatives carried out include provision of
infrastructure and facilities for school children, empowering youth and
women, building awareness on sustainable ways of waste management and
re-greening villages and the uplift of domestic entrepreneurship.
Rajitha Kariyawasan, Managing Director
Haycarb, Mohan Pandithage, Chairman and Chief Executive of
Hayleys PLC, and Rohan Goonetilleke, Managing Director/
CEO Hayleys Fabric PLC, declaring the 11th Puritas Sath
Diyawara RO Plant
open |
Children of Rathmalgahwewa waving the
Hayleys flag at the launch