Sri Lanka a paradise for Trial Biking
Inspired by the legendary Ramayana, famed Red Bull athlete and
12-time biking FIM Trial World Champion, Dougie Lampkin recently toured
Sri Lanka between the 12th and 16th of May 2016 to relive the mythical
trail of the ancient Sanskrit epic. Set against the backdrop of the
island's captivating landscapes, the heroic tale of action, virtue and
adventure sent Lampkin on a journey through some of the toughest
terrains he had ever seen.
Trial biking is an extreme sport that incorporates skill, balance and
power using a special bike. In quite possibly what is one of the world's
best adventure playgrounds, Sri Lanka is without a doubt a trial biking
paradise. The sport thrives in the presence of large natural obstacles
where the rider must pass through with as little physical contact with
the ground as possible. The unorthodox landscapes of the island
exhibited immense potential, which Lampkin himself rated no less than
perfect for the sport. "My aim was to ride somewhere completely
different, with a terrain that is completely unusual, and I liked how
accessible Sri Lanka was for the sport," he commented. "Despite the
weather, the terrain is quite similar to home - wet and muddy!"
Over the course of his 4-day tour, Lampkin brought the lore to life
from the shores of the Indian Ocean to altitudes over 5000 feet above
sea level. From fighting slips with traction atop the damp and uneven
terrain of Rumassala to climbing the rocky red cliffs of Ussangoda,
nothing held Lampkin back. Part treacherous, part thrilling, and
completely extraordinary, the trail also took him upcountry where his
bike was pitted against the gushing waters of Ravana Falls - one of the
widest waterfalls in Sri Lanka. Standing at 82-feet high, Lampkin was
well-aware of the risks ahead and said "This was definitely the most
challenging, not only for safety, but if the bike went in there, that's
the end of the trip!" Faced with thick mist and low visibility,
Lampkin rode through estates along perilous heights in Hakgala,
following the fabled footsteps of the Monkey God Hanuman as he searched
for Princess Sita. Likewise, as Lampkin searched for the next challenge
Sri Lanka had to offer, he happened upon a lush tea plantation where he
recalls, "Riding through here was a first for me. The views down on the
valley when I rode through the estate were very special."
"I love the opportunities to ride in new places in front of new
people," said Lampkin. "When I rode through Ravana Falls, I was humbled
by the crowd standing on the bridge and watching me. What's nice is that
those people had no idea what my bike could do, no idea who I am. The
only association they could see was Red Bull and extreme sport.. And
that's what I love about these projects. You take our small sport and
create a big surprise. Things like that are what make trips like these
so unique."
The immersion of global sport culture into authentic local
environments allowed Lampkin to experience lesser-known locations of Sri
Lanka overlooked by most. Keep an eye out on the Red Bull Facebook page
to watch his adventure which will be aired soon. Until then, anyone can
catch up on the action from his tour by checking out the photos from Red
Bull Sri Lanka on Instagram at @redbull_sl. |