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Sunday, 20 June 2004  
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Media Islam vs. Real Islam

The media coverage of Twin Tower disaster, by accident or design, has put Islam in a very negative light from the actions of a few lunatics and put decent Muslims on trial.

While many writers to the Editor have concentrated on the terrorism and its politics, there is no attempt on the part of the Muslim Community to explain the ambiguous and prejudicial terms floating around in the media denigrating Islam.

This letter intends to explain the Islamic position on terrorism, extremism, and other issues in a simple and clear manner. The position taken by Islam on murder of a human being is very clear. Life is sacrosanct and the ending of a human life is forbidden except in two instances - as a matter of justice and as a means of stopping the spread of corruption.


The reasons for these exceptions are obvious - to maintain law and order. The Holy Qur'an (5:32) says:"...Whosoever kills a human being other than (in punishment) for manslaughter or causing corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all humanity, whosoever saved the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all humanity."

Of all the precepts of Islam, it is perhaps 'Jihad' that is most often misquoted, misused and misunderstood.

The word itself means "to strive or struggle in the way of Allah", not the popular usage, "Holy War".

Any personal or communal struggle to establish a healthy and moral lifestyle is Jihad. For e.g. struggling to teach people of the health and social impact of alcoholism in Sri Lanka is Jihad. In a warlike sense, Jihad is only permitted in self-defence and to fight against oppression. The right of self-defence to maintain the territorial integrity of a country is a U.N recognised right - in Islam we call it Jihad.

Another issue that media has put Islam in a negative light is the rights of women.

The notion that Muslim women are prisoners in the home, totally subservient to their husbands and fathers and without any rights, is based on ignorance, rather than knowledge of Islam.

Islam granted women the right to earn money and own property independently of their husbands over 1400 years ago.

Women are held in high esteem in Islam. In another reported Islamic tradition, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "...the best among you is the one who is the best towards his wife." Media coverage of harsh treatment of women prevalent mostly among Muslim nations is nothing but an obnoxious tradition of regional cultures and is not Islam.


Another issue that has raised considerable amount of controversy in mostly Western countries is the wearing of Hijab - covering the head and the body. The media in many instances have attempted to portray wearing Muslim dress as a women's rights issue but have they ever reflected on their own Christian nuns and wondered why they are dressed up like Muslim women do! It is not merely a covering dress but more importantly, it is behaviour, manners, speech and appearance in public. A woman who covers herself is only concealing her sexuality but allowing her femininity and dignity to be brought out.

Animal welfare is an emotional issue that has solicited lots of attention in the media lately. In Islam, slaughtering animals for food is allowed, whereas killing for sports and pleasure and subjecting animals to cruelty is not. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is reported to have said: "One who kills even a sparrow or anything smaller without a justifiable reason will be answerable to Allah."

When asked what would be a justifiable reason he replied, "To slaughter it for food - not to kill and discard it." In Islam, eating meat is an option and you can be a vegetarian if you choose to do so.

If Islam has forbidden eating meat totally, Muslims in countries with extreme weather conditions where vegetation is sparse would be extinct by now. One day, the Prophet passed a camel that was so thin that its back had shrunk to its belly. He said, "Fear Allah in these beast - ride them in good health and free them from work while they are still in good health."

Unfortunately like all religions, some followers of Islam have their own brand of extremism. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is reported to have said: "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the nights." In Buddhism, we are already familiar with the term "following the middle path".


The birth of Mid-Eastern terrorism is a result of a land rights issue.

The world sympathized with legitimate rights of disenfranchised Palestinian people but sadly their plea for help is ignored.

While Palestinians are living in abject poverty in refugee camps, United States is subsidizing Israel to a tune of about $3 billion dollars annually. Harassment of stateless Palestinian people coupled with poverty is a breeding ground for violence.

It is time for the United States to revisit their Foreign Policy on Israel and drop that "My good friend Israel can do no harm" attitude and resist the pressure of the Jewish lobby and its media influence.

This should be the first major step in the battle against terrorism -State or otherwise. It is time the media and politicians stop whipping up anti-Islamic issues and instead focus on the real cause of terrorism.

- Tuan Riza Rassool

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