God of compassion
by Rev. Canon Patrick P. Augustine, Rector
Who is the God whom you worship? What is He like? William Barclay,
the Scottish New Testament scholar, sometimes took controversial
positions on interpretations of the Scriptures. Once, when he was
interviewed following a series of talks for the British Broadcasting
Company, he related the
experience of knowing God's sustaining strength
during and after the time his twenty one year old daughter drowned in a
yachting accident.
A listener in Northern Ireland, angry over something Barclay had said
in his radio Bible study, wrote an anonymous letter. The letter stated,
"Dear Dr. Barclay, I know now why God killed your daughter; it was to
save her from being corrupted by your heresies." But Barclay knew that
God did not go around drowning peoples' daughters in order to punish
them. Had he known the writer's address, he said that he would have
written back, in pity not in anger, in words which John Wesley said to
someone: "Your God is my devil."
My heart is sad for the events in progress in the Middle East. Anyone
who has watched the images on the television gets a sad picture of
religious fanatics who have manipulated God for their own political
goals. One gets an impression that God is a vengeful being who is as far
removed from His creature.
C.S. Lewis said that he grew up believing that God was an "Old meany
looking around to see if someone is having a good time, to put a stop to
it." In the mad theatre of war in the Middle East one is forced to ask a
question: Is religion like a loaded gun? "War of Religions" was the term
I heard on the first day Israel attacked the headquarters of Hezbollah
in Southern Lebanon.
This mutual hatred between Judaism, Christianity and Islam has been
perpetuated for centuries in this region. One wonders if there is
anything in common among the three religions in the Middle East. Is this
the same God whom I come to know through the person of Jesus
Christ?Whatever religious people may say about their love of God or the
mandates of their religion, when their behavior toward others is violent
and destructive, when it causes suffering among their neighbors, one can
be sure the religion has been corrupted and reform is desperately
When religion becomes evil, these corruptions are always present.
When religion becomes evil, even God is held hostage.
In the reading for today from the Gospel of Mark chapter 6:30-34,
53-56 we get the overwhelming image that Jesus gives us of God is that
of compassion. Jesus has been teaching and healing and now he is tired.
He suggests to the disciples that they come apart for some rest.
Jesus knew that this is a need in everyone`s life. They departed to a
desert place. But the crowds found them. People came by the thousands to
see and hear this man who had such an impact on their community. When
Jesus saw them, the Scriptures say, "He was moved with compassion toward
them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd..."
That is God`s view of us, we are sheep having no shepherd. I see in
the evening news hundreds of thousands of displaced people in Southern
Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Kashmir and Afghanistan. Have you never been
saddened by the human condition? This is a wonderful world and each of
us is happy to be alive, but have you never been touched by what the
writers call the "pathos" of humanity.
There is something sad and almost pathetic about us. For all of our
pride, all of our knowledge, all of our sophistication, there are areas
of our life in which we are so vulnerable, so uncertain, so insecure. I
like the story of a man who came home drunk after a night of carousing
in a number of neighborhood bars. His wife helped him up to the bedroom,
helped him to undress and tucked him into bed.
Then she kneeled at his bedside and whispered, "John, do you want me
to pray for you?" He nodded a yes and she began to pray, "Dear Lord, I
pray for my husband who lies here before you drunk..."
Before she could finish, he interrupts. "Don't tell him I'm drunk,"
he pleads, "Just tell Him I'm sick."
God sees our condition and He has compassion, for we remind Him so
much of sheep without a shepherd. The word compassion in Hebrew is Raham,
meaning "womb." To have compassion or mercy is to feel the life of
another person similarly to a mother's feeling for a child in the womb.
So God sent Christ to be our shepherd. "I am the good shepherd," Christ
says in John 10:14. "I know my sheep and they know me." There is the
Good News for the day. The Creator God not only looks upon His children
with compassion but he has moved into the world to redeem His children
to become the shepherd of the sheep.
Looking at the conditions of people living in dire poverty, displaced
human beings in refugee camps, epidemic of HIV Aids and war-torn
situationin the Middle East, Darfur-Sudan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, one can
easily throw in the towel in despair. Nevertheless, as a Christian I was
reminded last Sunday in the words of our baptismal service that I am
called to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect
the dignity of every human being.
The lack of respect for the dignity our fellow human beings has
deeply wounded humanity and God's children wanders around in a desperate
search for peace and love. Jesus through our eyes looks at each one them
and has compassion because they are like sheep without a shepherd.
I invite you my brothers and sisters to become eyes of compassion of
God to become the instrument of peace through our prayers and action. As
followers of Jesus Christ, peacemaking is our obligation. It requires
total dedication to work as an instrument for peace. Where there is
hatred, I must sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is
discord, union. Can I do it alone? No. As they say, no man is an island.
We need each other. Jews, Christians and Muslims as children of Abraham
need to come together.
I call on Jews and Muslims to join us to work for peace. The
challenge today is to seek a unity that celebrates and respects
diversity. We must marshal positive energy as religious people with
faith in our God of compassion, peace and mercy; not a god of war. The
dysfunctional family of Abraham needs to be reconciled and healed. Let
God be God and not to be kept hostage by zealotry and hatred. May His
blessings not missiles rain upon all God's children.
(Pakistan Christian Post)