Ravindra Randeniya: "Acting is serious business"
In retrospect, Ravindra Randeniya who played
diverse roles in Sinhala cinema is quite contended with the way in
which he spent his childhood and adolescence. He attributes his
phenomenal success in the silver screen and small screen to the
uncompromising commitment, in-depth study of characters, as well as
a little bit of luck.
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Seeing the world anew: Learning to unlearn
The above is just a thought. A construct in
someone's mind. Similarly or dissimilarly we all have thoughts and
beliefs. Seeing the world according to different perspectives, be it
religious, political, cultural or individual, is quite natural.
Right Vs Wrong, Good Vs Bad, likes and dislikes, we define the world
we live in and the people in it - not the other way around.
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Love or lust. Where does one end and the other begin?:
Why is love seen as Good and lust as Bad? Love
is when two people walk hand in hand at the Majestic City, lust is
when they fumble at the cinema after the lights are switched off.
Love is talking on the phone or sending cards with poetic sayings
while lust knows no words, but groans and grunts and moans.
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