Call to support WTO negotiation
Even though WTO negotiation is a slow process, it is a system that
needs to be protected and supported by developing countries such as Sri
Lanka, said Executive Director Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka
Dr. Saman Kelegama.
Speaking on the theme, "Doha to Hong Kong WTO and Sri Lanka" at the
annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Economic Association, he said that Sri
Lanka needs to effectively participate in multilateral negotiations in
the WTO through building coalitions to ensure not to undermine the
development dimensions of liberal trade. There is policy space and fair
The trade policy in Sri Lanka took different paths. Initially it was
a unilateral trade policy and it intensified after 1977 liberalisation
and is ongoing. The regional track was initiated with the Bangkok
Agreement in 1974 and four rounds of SAPTA in the late 1990s are
significant. In bilateral track FTAs with India (2000) and Pakistan
(2005) are significant.
In the multilateral track liberalisation was influenced by the
unilateral liberalisation agendas and various structural adjustment
programs of the government. From 1999-2001 ML on particular issues was
influenced by the SAARC agenda but on some other issues it was
influenced by unilateral and bilateral liberalisation pursued by the
During 2002-2003 ML was influenced by the need to work out a
Bilateral Free Trade Agreement(BFTA) with USA to support the RMG
industry in the post MFA era. This required pursuing a WTO plus path on
issues such as TRIPS, competition policy and FDI liberalisation.
BFTA with USA could not be worked out as these conditions were
fulfilled half heartedly and retracting domestic policy space being an
impediment to pursue domestic requirements. Unilateral liberalisation
also slowed down due to the need for policy space to promote domestic
agriculture and SMIs as per government policy.
This slow down influenced the position on the July 2004 package.
Sri Lanka believes that there are too many bottlenecks in the
agriculture supply side for the sector to effectively responed to trade
liberalisation. Therefore until institutions and infrastructure are in
place trade liberalisation should be slow, Dr. Kelegama said.
The most important element in the tariff reduction formula agreed at
the Hong Kong ministerial for Sri Lanka is threshold for the lowest band
at 50% with a low reduction at 15%.
The agriculture support needs to be increased rather than decreased
since 32% of the labour market, 70% of the livelihoods and 18%
contribution to the GDP is from agriculture.
Agriculture tariffs bound at 50% is now felt a mistake. Dr. Kelegama
said that we have been more Catholic than the Pope. The agriculture
sector is more liberalised than is required under AOA commitments. He
said that a new formula based tariff reduction is now being discussed
and debated at the WTO. |