Sri Lanka Peace Secretariat Deputy shot dead
LTTE suspected, President condemns killing
The Deputy Head of the Sri Lanka Peace Secretariat Kethesh Loganathan
was shot dead last night by suspect LTTE cadres.
A group of men in a white coloured van shot at Mr Loganathan as he
came out of his Vandervet Place home in Dehiwela at 9.30 pm. last night.
He was rushed to the Kalubowila hospital, but was pronounced dead on
admission. Hospital sources said he had been shot in the head, and that
there were three bullet wounds visible on his skull. Shots were also
fired at his chest and lower arm.
President Mahinda Rajapakse told the Sunday Obsever that he condemns
the killing, and that the LTTE's continued trend of killing Tamil
intellectuals should be brought to the attention of the international
community. He expressed his grave concern over the killing of Sri
Lanka's Peace Secretariat deputy. Peace Secretariat Chief Dr Palitha
Kohona described the murder of his deputy as a barbaric act. He said
that "political dissent is insufferable to these people.''
Asked about the personal loss of his deputy, Mr Kohona said "I'm
looking at him right now.''
Loganthan was a member of the Tamil delegation to the Thimpu peace
talks, and also contributed to the Mangala Moonesinghe Select Committee
process tasked at formulating a constitutional solution to the national
question.. He was an economics graduate from Georgetown University. In
1996 Loganathan wrote a book "Sri Lanka: Lost opportunities'' which was
published by the Centre for Policy Research and Analysis (CEPRA),
University of Colombo. He was a board member of the Centre for Policy
Alternatives before joining the peace Secretariat.
He was a member of the EPRLF from 1983 to 1994. His dissenting
politics did not endear him to the LTTE. |