Flying squads to nab errant traders
by Ananda Kannangara
The Consumer Protection Authority (CPA) has set up flying squads to
crackdown on errant private traders who sell essential commodity items
at exorbitant prices.
The decision was taken by the CPA following numerous complaints by
the public over the selling of essential consumer items by certain
private traders above the usual prices.
Meanwhile, Trade, Marketing Development, Co-operative and Consumer
Services Minister Bandula Gunewardene reassured that the price reduction
on essential consumer items will be continued even after the festive
In an interview with the Sunday Observer, Minister Gunewardene denied
rumours being spread by certain elements over the current price
reduction and gave a firm assurance that relief measures will not be
curtailed. "Consumers now have good experience about the actual prices
of essential commodity items and they cannot be cheated by traders."
Asked if traders sell essential food items at arbitrary prices, the
Minister said that such a situation would lead to the consumers to
isolate them and visit Lak Sathosa outlets, budget shops and
Co-operative shops.
Minister Gunewardene also said that ample food stocks are available
in the country and called upon consumers to keep a close tab on traders
who create artificial shortages of these items with the intention of
selling them at high prices.
A senior Ministry official said special raids were being conducted
during the New Year season and the CPA has also set up a 24-hour hotline
0112321696 to entertain customer complaints.