Tea exports to be given a boost
by Chanuka Mannapperuma
A tea promotion center will be set up in Karachchi,Pakistan by middle
of this year. Steps will be taken to increase tea exports to
Pakistan.According to Plantation Industries Minister D.M Jayaratne, our
tea reports have registered an increase of 2.6% as over the previous
year's figure 23%.
A discussion with Export Development International Trade Minister G.L
Peiris was held recently to seek ways and means of increasing market
opportunities to gain foreign exchange.
Minister Peiries said Sri Lanka was producing quality tea and the
cost of production has escalated resulting in high prices that have to
be looked into to keep tea prices competitive.
Consequently, Kenya has found Pakistan to be a lucrative market with
their tea exports reaching 70.22%.Pakistan has also purchased tea to the
tune of US$ 200 million. Minister Jayaratne assured that a tea promotion
centre would be set up in Karachchi stating that other countries will be
given opportunities to promote tea in Pakistan.