Down memory lane through the 'serious houses' in
the Galle Diocese:
The year is 1903, the place, Hambanthota. The
young man in question...a figment of my imagination. The facts in
the letter though, are real. So too the note - "At the beginning of
the year there was an incident of small-pox. The Catholics made a
vow to get a statue of St. Sebastian for the church if they were
spared from the epidemic. None of them were attacked by the disease.
On December 8th they fulfilled their vow".
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Love and business well matched
Sreeni talks about life with eminent businessman
Jayantha Dharmadasa:
"He is well-focused and target oriented, and
doesn't waste a second in vain," she continues. May be true! His
very first target was launched when he was a teen at the age of
seventeen; that was to win his love, Sreeni.
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