Seylan Bank offers Credit Cardholders purchases on mobile phones
Seylan Bank PLC, the most preferred Visa Card issuer in Sri Lanka
joined hands with Dialog Telekom PLC, the largest Telekom Service
Provider to provide all Seylan Visa Credit Cardholders with a convenient
way of paying for goods and services using a mobile phone, instead of
carrying Cash or Credit Cards.
It is for the first time in Sri Lanka that this facility will be
available for credit cardholders.
The facility which is known as “eZ Pay”, is classified as South
Asia’s first ever mCommerce network which was introduced in Sri Lanka,
by Dialog Telekom and NDB Bank last year.
With “eZ Pay”, Seylan Visa Credit Cardholders could use their mobile
phones to pay for goods and services to the debit of their Credit Card
account at merchant outlets displaying the “eZ Pay” sign. Seylan Credit
Cardholders could also settle utility bills such as electricity, water
and telephone bills with eZ Pay.
The Seylan Credit Card is the only Credit Card to offer this facility
with a maximum Credit period of 51 days without interest.