Lanka’s inflation surge not unique - HSBC economist
Emerging markets grappling with same problems:
Inflation at present is one of the biggest
headaches for policy makers and the inflation surge in Sri Lanka is
not unique as every emerging market is grappling with the same set
of problems - ie the increasing oil prices and the food crisis said
HSBC Economist Asia Pacific Frederic Neumann.
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CPC trade unions hail new fuel tax
CPC trade unions welcomed the new fuel tax
enforced by the government while people are worried about the
escalating fuel bill. The spokesman for the CPC Common Service Union
said that a huge amount of money had gone to the LIOC coffers as
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Gemidiriya’s rural finance scheme a role model - WB Advisor
The success of the Gemidiriya rural development
project is amazing and the world can learn many lessons from
Gemidiriya, said Renate Kloeppinger-Todd, World Bank Advisor, Rural
Finance, in Colombo recently.
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Serendib Flour Mills to break Prima monopoly
Serendib Flour Mills (Pvt) Ltd., the second
player entered the market last week breaking the Prima monopoly. The
Chairman of Serendib, Mahendra Amarasuriya said that the company
will supply 30% of the market demand initially and expand its market
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