ILO Enter-Growth launches Media Resource Guide
The Enterprise for Pro-Poor Growth (EnterGrowth) Project of the ILO
has launched 'Small Business in Sri Lanka - Media Resource Guide 2007'
to facilitate journalists around the country to report on small
This resource guide is an initiative to provide media personnel with
contact information on business development services, business
associations and chambers, financial institutions, government ministries
and departments that either support or are within the small enterprise
sector in Sri Lanka.
"We trust that this information will help media personnel to get
different perspectives, views, newsworthy stories and in-depth analysis
relevant to small businesses from actors and stakeholders throughout Sri
Lanka and thereby improve the quality of reporting and overall content
of business coverage," said Director, ILO Colombo Office, Tine Staermose.
"Good coverage of small business issues is essential to private
sector development and will contribute to the creation of decent work
for all," she said.
The resource guide was launched following an EnterGrowth commissioned
A C Neilson survey finding in 2006 that most business programs are
irrelevant to the majority of listeners and viewers; Very little
coverage (1% of total airtime) on business issues on radio in Sri Lanka
and hardly any regular business programs.