Skills turns 15
Skills Advertising and Marketing (Pvt) Ltd has completed fifteen
years in the industry. Incorporated in 1993, under the initiative of Sri
Sangabo Corea, which was later taken over by the current Managing
Director Ananda Samarasinghe, Skills Advertising and Marketing (Pvt) Ltd
has grown today to a well-recognised and dependable agency that produces
top-of-the-line creatives and concepts that have given its clients the
edge over their competition in branding, packaging and impactful
The Directors of Skills, Ananda Samarasinghe, L. D. Ganegoda and J.
K. M. Priyanga Jayaweera said that constant revaluation of the industry
and re-positioning of their clients brands was the key to their success.
Samarasinghe said, "Advertising is one of the oldest forms of public
announcements and occupies a vital position in an organisation's product
"To advertise means to inform. However, advertising does not end with
the flow of information alone. It goes further to influence and persuade
people to take a desired action - like placing an order to buy a
"The consumer market has become highly competitive with a new brand
being born almost every day. Irrespective of the kind of product you are
looking for, be it consumer durables such as refrigerators, air
conditioners, washing machines or fast moving consumer Products, the
number of brands available is truly mind boggling.
Naturally it is the prime concern of every marketer to promote their
brand as a shade better than the competitors'. This is where Advertising
is shown to be indispensable to your brand.
"However, simply informing a customer that a brand exists is not
Advertising should be targeted towards the prospective audience in
such a way that it forms a positive impact on the customer and in the
process creates brand recognition."
"Competition brings the best out in all of us and that's what
advertisers hope for when they call for pitches.
They look for that one thing that sets one agency above the rest for
their brand."
"The clients who fortified our strategic stronghold of creativity,
rubbing shoulders with us dedicatedly towards progress, should be
greatly appreciated and honoured at this celebrative moment", said