MTI unveils strategy for rapid global footprint
"Our vision is to build one of the widest and most admired
international consulting networks, but we realise the limitations of
doing it entirely on our own, hence the need to strategically link with
the best regional consultants in the five continents" said CEO of MTI
Consulting Hilmy Cader unveiling MTI's new international strategic
thrust that aims a network of Associates, Business Partners and
Certified Consultants in 40 countries by 2009.
MTI sees the power and potential in the form of highly talented and
successful regional consultants in different parts of the world who are
confined to their own regions and unable to take on the big name legacy
consultants due to the lack of a global network.
"We wish to play the catalyst role of building the network by
bringing together these consultancies from all parts of the world which
could then rival the big name legacy consultancies", said Cader.
Marking the completion of 11 years since MTI started, the Chief
Executive of MTI said, "Since our humble beginnings in 1997 with a
single person, single operation, we have grown into eight of our own
operations in Malaysia, Bahrain, Dubai, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
Pakistan and a Representative Office in the UK, through which we have
carried out work in 33 countries".
MTI's international expansion will be based on a two-pronged strategy
of Rapid International Footprint through Business Partners and
Associates and scaling up MTI's value delivery capabilities through MTI
Certified Consultants, the first batch of whom were in Sri Lanka for
Orientation and Training.