Highchem R Trade Services celebrates fifth anniversary
HighChem R Trade Services (Pvt) Ltd., celebrates five years of
successful operations today said its Chief Executive Kushantha P.
It was set up on June 1, 2003 to carry out the clearing and freight
forwarding activities of the parent company HighChem R Ceylon Company (Pvt)
Over the years HighChem R Trade Services (Pvt) Ltd., (HRTS) has
extended its services to a few reputed organisations as well and
throughout the past five years has established itself as a separate
business identity.
Nanayakkara said sea freight and air freight cargo handling is done
by separate individuals and due to their experience are capable of
clearing any form of cargo.
All staff members have completed the Customs House examination and
are CH pass holders with each member counting over eight years in the
CUSDECs are electronically submitted and with this combination a very
high level of efficiency is provided to our customers.
He said HRTS undertakes jobs only if there are no discrepancies in
the documentation and this has lead to HRTS dealing with very reputed
organisations which ultimately has helped HRTS maintain a credible image
in the market place.